
IBM 000-280 training and testing

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Exam Code: 000-280

Exam Name: IBM (IBM Cloud Computing Infrastructure Architect V1)

000-280 (IBM Cloud Computing Infrastructure Architect V1) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/000-280.html

NO.1 What are two considerations before moving data to a public cloud? (Choose two.)
A. A company must restructure all data to accommodate a public cloud data model.
B. A company should analyze all legal and regulatory issues that pertain to the data.
C. A company can safely assume that cloud services will replicate and backup all of their data.
D. A company should encrypt all data so that they do not have to analyze legal and regulatory issues.
E. A company should analyze data structure to see if they can take advantage of public cloud data
Answer: B,E

IBM exam prep   000-280 exam dumps   000-280

NO.2 What are two optimized workload characteristics supported by the IBM cloud portfolio? (Choose two.)
A. analytics
B. tightly-coupled
C. centralized message bus
D. high-performance computing
E. structured related data model
Answer: A,D

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NO.3 What is the collection and control point for alerts?
A. Tivoli Enterprise Console
B. Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
C. Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent
D. Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
Answer: C

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NO.4 A customer wants to implement a private cloud solution and they are anticipating changes in their
current virtualization operational model. Which virtualization configuration characteristic is affected by the
implementation of cloud infrastructure?
A. higher latency
B. lower server utilization
C. higher demand/transient use
D. easier dependency/user management
Answer: C

IBM   000-280 answers real questions   000-280 demo   000-280 pdf

NO.5 Which component is necessary to view monitoring reports for IBM Service Delivery Manager?
A. Tivoli Enterprise Portal
B. Tivoli Service Request Manager
C. Tivoli Service Automation Manager
D. WebSphere Administrative Console
Answer: A

IBM   000-280   000-280

NO.6 What is a critical and unique component during the design and planning process for a cloud service?
A. IT Service availability
B. Business Service availability
C. IT Infrastructure/Component availability
D. IT Service and Infrastructure/Component availability
Answer: B

IBM test questions   000-280   000-280   000-280 test answers

NO.7 A cloud service vendor provides business services such as human resources and payroll processing.
They use Web interfaces on a shared infrastructure providing multi-tenant services without the need to
manage or control the underlying resources. What type of cloud service is this company providing?
A. Platform as a Service
B. Software as a Service
C. Infrastructure as a Service
D. Business Process as a Service
Answer: D

IBM   000-280   000-280   000-280 practice test

NO.8 A cloud infrastructure should be architected to accommodate which technical risks?
A. overflowing network buffers resulting in loss of data
B. termination of service by an internet service provider
C. fiber cable damage causing a failover to copper channels
D. unauthorized configuration changes to storage network devices
Answer: D

IBM exam simulations   000-280   000-280 exam   000-280 pdf   000-280 exam prep

NO.9 What are two key infrastructure components for data migration when planning a move to cloud?
(Choose two.)
A. storage
B. network
C. monitoring
D. data mining
E. high availability
Answer: A,B

IBM practice test   000-280   000-280 answers real questions   000-280   000-280

NO.10 Which technology is used in certain IBM WebSphere DataPower appliances to provide identity
verification of public cloud endpoints and to securely transmit encrypted data between enterprise
endpoints and public cloud endpoints in an integrated cloud environment?
A. IBM Tivoli CloudBurst Appliance
B. WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance
C. WebSphere DataPower Secure Communicator
D. WebSphere DataPower Secure Cloud Connector
Answer: D

IBM study guide   000-280   000-280 practice test

NO.11 Cloud architectures designed for service delivery and availability of services are extremely important.
How is software failure within a cloud infrastructure environment handled? (Choose two.)
A. replace the failed node
B. restart the software image
C. use elastic IP addresses for consistent and re-mappable routes
D. allow the state of the system to re-sync by reloading messages from queues
E. design services with proper real time disaster recovery and stateful user context
Answer: D,E

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NO.12 A company hosts office applications on a stand alone server in their data center. A recent spike in
demand for one of their applications resulted in the denial of access to some potential users. Which
characteristic of the cloud service delivery model would meet the fluctuating demands of the company's
A. service ubiquity
B. service elasticity
C. self-service access
D. usage-based billing
Answer: B

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NO.13 Which characteristic best describe the difference between Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and
cloud computing?
A. pay per use model
B. shared computing resources
C. SOA exists within the firewall
D. leverage IT resources on demand
Answer: C

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NO.14 An enterprise wants to take advantage of cloud computing but retain control over the construction and
delivery of all cloud-based services. Which cloud deployment model will meet their needs?
A. hybrid cloud
B. private cloud
C. community cloud
D. public shared cloud
Answer: B

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NO.15 What are two methods that address both network infrastructure security and performance for a cloud
computing environment? (Choose two.)
A. encryption (SSL)
B. limiting network hops
C. network load balancing
D. denial of service prevention
E. intrusion detection and prevention
Answer: B,D

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NO.16 Which storage infrastructure function provides benefit for public cloud computing?
A. metadata
B. multipath I/O
C. clustered trivial database
D. real time storage management
Answer: C

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NO.17 Which term is used to describe a hypervisor running multiple operating systems simultaneously.?
A. full virtualization
B. paravirtualization
C. partial virtualization
D. nested virtualization
Answer: D

IBM test questions   000-280   000-280 braindump

NO.18 Which IBM product implements metering capabilities?
A. IBM Tivoli Monitoring
B. IBM Tivoli Common Reporting
C. IBM Tivoli System Automation
D. IBM Tivoli Usage and Accounting Manager
Answer: D

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NO.19 Which area of the current IT enterprise availability and redundancy components must be addressed in
order to move to a cloud operational model?
A. server capacity to service capacity
B. workload availability to service availability
C. application availability to workload availability
D. server mean time between failures (MTBF) to service MTBF
Answer: C

IBM test answers   000-280 questions   000-280 questions   000-280 original questions   000-280

NO.20 A company is setting up a cloud environment to host several of their applications. These applications
vary in importance and the company wants to ensure that the most business critical applications get the
most resource. Which solution will help achieve this goal?
A. WebSphere eXtreme Scale
B. WebSphere Business Events
C. WebSphere Virtual Enterprise
D. WebSphere Business Monitor
Answer: C

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Practice what you preach is the beginning of success. Since you have chosen to participate in the demanding IT certification exam. Then you have to pay your actions, and achieve excellent results. IT-Tests.com's IBM 000-280 exam training materials are the best training materials for this exam. With it you will have a key to success. IT-Tests.com's IBM 000-280 exam training materials are absolutely reliable materials. You should believe that you can pass the exam easily , too.

