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Exam Code: 9A0-090
Exam Name: Adobe (Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 ACE Exam)
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9A0-090 (Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 ACE Exam) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 You have just become the Webmaster for a Web site you did NOT create. You want to locate and
correct broken links within this website.
Where can you go within Dreamweaver to locate broken links and open each page so you can correct
these issues?
A. use HTML Reports in the Site Reports tab of the Results panel
B. use Validation in the Results panel and choose Validate Entire Current Local Site
C. use Browser Compatibility in the Results panel and click Settings in the pop-up menu
D. use Link Checker in the Results panel and select Broken Links in the Show pop-up menu
Answer: D
Adobe certification 9A0-090 9A0-090 exam dumps 9A0-090 test 9A0-090 certification training
NO.2 You want to to create a report on whether a page complies with Section 508 standards?
A. select File > Validate > Markup
B. select File > Check Page > Browser Compatibility
C. select Site > Reports, choose Accessibility and click Run
D. select View > Code View Options > Syntax Error Alerts in Info Bar
Answer: C
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NO.3 In which color will the text Formatting with CSS be displayed in the browser?
A. red
B. blue
C. black
D. green
Answer: D
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NO.4 Which are the three categories of files displayed by the Dreamweaver Link Checker?
A. Broken Links, External Links, and Invalid Links
B. Broken Links, External Links, and Missing Files
C. Broken Links, External Links, and Orphaned Files
D. Broken Links, External Links, and Unreachable Files
Answer: C
Adobe 9A0-090 9A0-090 9A0-090 9A0-090 exam simulations 9A0-090
NO.5 Which two categories of reporting are available in the Dreamweaver Site Reports interface? (Choose
A. HTML Reports
B. Workflow Reports
C. Information Reports
D. Accessibility Reports
E. Browser Compatibility Reports
Answer: AB
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NO.6 Which tool is required to create and deploy a Web site?
A. Web browser
B. Dreamweaver
C. production server
D. application server
Answer: D
Adobe certification training 9A0-090 9A0-090
NO.7 Which product is required to enable users to play Flash video on a Web page without progressive
A. Flash Media Encoding Server
B. Flash Media Interactive Server
C. Flash Media Streaming Server
D. Flash Media Rights Management Server
Answer: C
Adobe pdf 9A0-090 9A0-090 exam dumps 9A0-090 exam
NO.8 Which reports are available within Dreamweaver HTML reports to assist you in Web site maintenance?
A. Accessibility, Untitled Documents, and Missing Alt Text
B. Broken Links, Missing Alt Text, and Untitled Documents
C. Missing Alt Text, Untitled Documents, and Orphaned Files
D. XHTML Validation, Browser Compatibility Check, and External Links
Answer: A
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NO.9 Which would NOT be a potential problem level that is detected by the Browser Compatibility Check in
A. errors
B. warnings
C. design issues
D. informational messages
Answer: C
Adobe test questions 9A0-090 9A0-090 9A0-090 9A0-090 9A0-090 test
NO.10 Which is required when hosting a Web site on a publicly addressable production server?
A. FTP server
B. SSL certificate
C. Web server
D. Application server
Answer: C
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