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Exam Code: 000-939
Exam Name: IBM (IBM Tivoli Change and Configuration Manager Database V7.1.1)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 138 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-18
000-939 (IBM Tivoli Change and Configuration Manager Database V7.1.1) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 One of the tasks that must be performed to install CCMDB is to analyze the roles and responsibilities
of individuals in the project.
Which step must be performed to create a document to map the activities and tasks to specific roles in a
CCMDB deployment? roles to the defined tasks
B.define the level of effort for each task
C.define the tasks that will be performed during the project
D.create a Project Plan to outline what steps will be performed
Answer: A
IBM 000-939 exam 000-939 000-939
NO.2 What is the purpose of the Manage CI Hierarchies dialog? provide scope for CI promotion. provide mapping for CI promotion. provide mapping and scope for CI promotion. provide mapping, scope, and rules for CI promotion.
Answer: C
IBM 000-939 exam prep 000-939
NO.3 Which component of the CCMDB data layer performs the data discovery and loads data into a CMDB
based on the Common Data Model.
B.the Maximo Database
C.the Change Management Module
D.the Configuration Management Module
Answer: A
IBM 000-939 test answers 000-939 000-939 exam dumps
NO.4 Click the Exhibit button.
The Exhibit shows the top level definition of the Standard Change Job Plan. A user needs to modify it so
that the Assessment task needs to be completed before Approval can start, and the Approval and the
Schedule can start in parallel.
How can this be accomplished?
A.set the Approval and Schedule predecessors to 10
B.set the Assessment, Approval, and Schedule predecessors to 10
C.set the Assessment, Approval, and Schedule predecessors to none
D.set the Approval predecessors to 10 and the Schedule predecessors to none
Answer: A
IBM practice test 000-939 000-939 certification training
NO.5 Which statement is true regarding process managers?
A.Each is a customized version of its Tivoli process automation engine.
B.All process managers run through the Tivoli process automation engine.
C.Each process manager must install its own Tivoli process automation engines for CCMDB.
D.All process managers are run only by the Tivoli process automation engine's administrator.
Answer: B
IBM 000-939 dumps 000-939 exam 000-939 exam 000-939
NO.6 Given that the customer's IT environment has been verified, which two prerequisite steps need to be
taken to ensure that CCMDB requirements have been met? (Choose two.)
A.examine the DBMS to be utilized for meeting requirements
B.examine the platform (OS) for the DB server for meeting requirements
C.examine the LDAP interface with the Common Data Model for meeting requirements
D.examine the SOAP interface with the Common Data Model for meeting requirements
E.examine the communication between the authentication client and the authentication server for meeting
Answer: AB
IBM braindump 000-939 exam 000-939 test
NO.7 Which three high-level concepts are related to the Common Data Model? (Choose three.)
E.Network Addressing
F.Naming Rules and Identification
Answer: BDF
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NO.8 Which two options are a prerequisite for configuring single sign-on (SSO) so that users can navigate
between TADDM and CCMDB using SSO? (Choose two.)
E.File-based repository
Answer: AD
IBM 000-939 000-939 test answers 000-939 questions
NO.9 Which statement best describes the Tivoli process automation engine of the CCMDB?
A.a platform on which process managers run
B.a platform that networks all process managers to one
C.a single service that helps users connecting to the CCMDB
D.a group of services, each related to a single process manager
Answer: A
IBM study guide 000-939 000-939 pdf 000-939 exam dumps
NO.10 Which two actions are performed from the CCMDB administrative workstation? (Choose two.)
A.import TADDM data
B.apply language packages
C.deploy CCMDB EAR (Enterprise Archive) files
D.install patches and updates for required middleware
E.manage CCMDB Application Runtime Information Data
Answer: BC
IBM 000-939 certification training 000-939 braindump 000-939 practice test 000-939
NO.11 What will impact analysis in CCMDB influence?
A.the increase of tasks
B.the creation of Change requests
C.the reduction of Change requests
D.the creation of implementation tasks
Answer: D
IBM exam prep 000-939 000-939 answers real questions 000-939
NO.12 A document needs to be created to show the roles that will be defined when deploying CCMDB.
What is the primary goal when creating this document?
A.create a list of activities to map to roles
B.create a Work Task Structure of activities
C.identify and map roles to the defined tasks
D.create a Task Breakdown Structure of activities
Answer: D
IBM test 000-939 000-939
NO.13 When should existing middleware be reused?
A.when reusing existing access policies
B.when a quick CCMDB deployment is top priority
C.when security policies prevent administrator access to new hardware
D.when security policies prevent the creation of a new database or application server
Answer: A
IBM test questions 000-939 test questions 000-939
NO.14 What is used to configure and run process definitions in CCMDB?
A.Work definition
B.Process definition
C.Process configuration
D.Work Order management
Answer: D
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NO.15 What is the application that contains the impact analysis feature in CCMDB?
A.Work Management
B.Change Management
C.Problem Management
D.Workflow Management
Answer: B
IBM answers real questions 000-939 exam 000-939 practice test
NO.16 Which two actions are performed from the CCMDB administrative workstation? (Choose two.)
A.import TADDM data
B.install patches and upgrades
C.control user IDs and Security groups
D.install WebSphere Application Servers CCMDB EAR (Enterprise Archive) files
Answer: BE
IBM 000-939 000-939 exam 000-939 exam simulations
NO.17 One of the tasks that must be performed to install CCMDB is to analyze the roles and responsibilities
of individuals in the project.
Which step must be performed to create a document to map the activities and tasks to specific roles in a
CCMDB deployment?
A.define the level of effort for each task
B.define the roles involved in the process
C.define the tasks that will be performed during the project
D.create a Project Plan to outline what steps will be performed
Answer: B
IBM 000-939 000-939
NO.18 A customer wants to implement CCMDB to handle the companys IT Change Requests. The customer
is considering several supported configurations to better reuse the companys existent middleware.
Which configurations are valid options for the customer?
A.MS SQL Server as the Database Server
MS Active Directory as the LDAP security control
IBM WebSphere Network Deployment as the J2EE container
B.Oracle as the Database Server
MS Active Directory as the LDAP security control
JBoss Application Server as the J2EE container
C.MySQL as the Database Server
Sun Directory Server as the LDAP security control
IBM WebSphere Network Deployment as the J2EE container
D.IBM DB2 as the Database Server
Sun Directory Server as the LDAP security control
WebLogic as the J2EE container
Answer: A
IBM 000-939 exam 000-939 answers real questions 000-939 study guide
NO.19 Given that the customer's IT environment has been verified, which two prerequisite steps need to be
taken to ensure that CCMDB requirements have been met? (Choose two.)
A.examine the OS platform for the TADDM server for meeting requirements
B.examine the LDAP interface with the Common Data Model for meeting requirements
C.examine the SOAP interface with the Common Data Model for meeting requirements
D.examine the hardware specifications for the Windows Administrative console for meeting requirements
E.examine the communication between the authentication client and the authentication server for meeting
Answer: AD
IBM demo 000-939 test 000-939 000-939 certification training
NO.20 There was a new Change record submitted. One can track progress of change using attribute called
Progress. Which statement is true regarding tracking progress of change using an attribute called
A.Progress value can be updated only manually by operator.
B.Progress value can be updated by automated task defined in the Job Plan.
C.Progress value cannot be updated manually; it gets updated only by a dedicated workflow.
D.Progress value will be updated only automatically always when Status attribute is changed for the
Change record.
Answer: B
IBM original questions 000-939 dumps 000-939 000-939
NO.21 What is the purpose of auditing CIs? identify Discovered CIs whose attributes do match the authorized attributes, and to take steps to
reconcile all child attributes identify Authorized CIs whose attributes do match the Discovered attributes, and to take steps to
reconcile all child attributes identify CIs whose actual status or other attributes do not match the authorized values, and to take
steps to resolve the variances identify CIs whose actual status or other attributes do match the authorized values, and to take steps
to synchronize all child attributes
Answer: C
IBM 000-939 exam prep 000-939 000-939 test answers
NO.22 A customer wants to implement CCMDB to handle the companys IT Change Requests. The customer
is considering several supported configurations to better reuse the companys existent middleware.
Which configurations are valid options for the customer?
A.reuse of MS SQL Server as the Database Server
new installation of MS Active Directory as the LDAP security control
reuse of IBM WebSphere Network Deployment as the J2EE container
new installation of IBM TADDM as the topology discovery
B.reuse of DB2 as the Database Server
reuse of IBM Tivoli Directory as the LDAP security control
new installation of IBM WebSphere Network Deployment as the J2EE container
reuse of BMC Atrium as the topology discovery installation of DB2 as the Database Server
reuse of Sun Directory Server as the LDAP security control
new installation of IBM WebSphere Network Deployment as the J2EE container
reuse of BMC Atrium as the topology discovery installation of MS SQL Server as the Database Server
reuse of Sun Directory Server as the LDAP security control
new installation of WebLogic as the J2EE container
new installation of IBM TADDM as the topology discovery
Answer: A
IBM test answers 000-939 000-939 000-939 exam prep
NO.23 Which category of individuals are needed to certify the validity of an impact analysis for a given
CCMDB environment?
A.Subject Matter Experts
B.Environmental Experts
C.Chief Information Officers
D.Human Resources Officers
Answer: A
IBM 000-939 certification training 000-939 pdf 000-939 exam prep
NO.24 What does the Tivoli process automation engine provide to the CCMDB?
B.Impact Analysis
C.Audit Processes
D.Change Requests
Answer: A
IBM 000-939 000-939 000-939 answers real questions 000-939 test 000-939 pdf
NO.25 Which statement is true about TADDM and CCMDB?
A.CCMDB is a required component of TADDM.
B.TADDM is a required component of CCMDB.
C.TADDM and CCMDB must be installed on the same system.
D.CCMDB serves as a discovery tool, while TADDM serves as a data repository.
Answer: B
IBM 000-939 pdf 000-939 original questions 000-939 000-939 certification training
NO.26 Which two statements are true about the Common Data Model. (Choose two.)
A.The Common Data Model is based on LDAP.
B.The Discovery Library XML Schema is called IML.
C.The Discovery Library XML Schema is called IdML.
D.The Discovery Library Adapters use SOAP to interface with the Common Data Model.
E.Discovery Library Adapters enable the import and export of data according to the Common Data Model.
Answer: CE
IBM 000-939 certification 000-939 000-939 000-939 certification training
NO.27 During an impact analysis exercise, which two terminologies are of utmost importance and subjects of
concern for a working CCMDB environment? (Choose two.)
B.Upgrade in performance
C.Downgrade of performance
D.Increased Change Requests
E.Decreased Change Requests
Answer: AC
IBM 000-939 000-939 000-939 study guide 000-939 practice test
NO.28 What is the core of the Tivoli process automation engine?
A.a J2EE application running in the WebSphere environment
B.a special standalone application based on Tivoli framework services
C.a Visual Basic application modified by the Maximo development team
D.a Visual Basic application on top of the Tivoli Scripting language and WebSphere
Answer: A
IBM demo 000-939 000-939 test answers
NO.29 Which business object represents a trackable and assignable request for work?
A.a Report Asset
C.a Workflow
D.a Process Request
Answer: D
IBM 000-939 certification training 000-939 demo
NO.30 When creating a document to map tasks to roles for a deployment of CCMDB, which single goal is of
primary importance?
A.create a Role Breakdown Structure of the list of all activities and tasks
B.create a Task Breakdown Structure of the list of all activities and tasks
C.create a Work Breakdown Structure of the list of all activities and tasks
D.create a Responsibility Breakdown Structure of the list of all activities and tasks
Answer: C
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