
The Best IBM 000-175 Exam Training materials

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Exam Code: 000-175
Exam Name: IBM (IBM WebSphere Lombardi Edition V7.2, Development (Entry))
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 66 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-11-18

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NO.1 What is the correct JavaScript syntax to initialize a local variable named contact of a complex type
A. contact = new Contact();
B. tw.local.contact = new Contact();
C. tw.local.contact = new tw.local.Contact();
D. tw.local.contact = new tw.object.Contact();
Answer: D

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NO.2 To add a custom Coach XSL transformation to artifacts in a process application, the XSL file should be
added as:
A. a managed file.
B. a localization resource.
C. an installation service.
D. process application settings.
Answer: A

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NO.3 The service "Get Request ID" needs to know the number of existing requests of a particular type in
order to generate an ID for the request. It uses a nested service named "Get Request Count" for this
purpose. What can be determined about data mapping?
A. The type of the request is an output variable of the 'Get Request ID' service.
B. The unique ID for the request is an input variable to the 'Get Request ID' service.
C. The number of existing requests of a particular type is an input variable to the 'Get Request Count'
D. The 'Get Request ID' service has a private variable that maps to the output from 'Get Request Count'
Answer: D

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NO.4 What is the default visibility property for all new controls?
A. Hidden
B. Editable
C. Disabled
D. Required
Answer: B

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NO.5 An activity is defined as a conditional activity, and a script that returns a Boolean is written in the text
box in the Condition tab. What will happen if the script returns true?
A. The activity will be skipped.
B. The activity will be performed.
C. The activity will be performed if it is added to tw.system.process.selectedConditionalActivities.
D. The activity will be skipped even if the activity is added to
Answer: B

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NO.6 A developer needs to build the Coach shown in the following Exhibit.
What is the minimum number of sections the developer needs to create in the Coach?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer: D

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NO.7 A developer was asked to create a Coach based on the company's form for processing a new employee.
For a copy of the company's form, refer to the Exhibit below.
Which simple primitive variable types should be used in this process?
A. idNumber (Integer), streetAddress (String), state (String), city (String)
B. idNumber (Integer), streetAddress (Integer), state (String), city (String)
C. idNumber (String), streetAddress (Address), state (Integer), city (String)
D. idNumber (String), streetAddress (Address), state (String), city (String)
Answer: A

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NO.8 A bank has a home loan process containing an 'Approve Credit' activity with a service attached with the
same name. During the activity 'Approve Credit', a credit check is done and credit approval is based on
the amount to be borrowed and the borrower's credit score. The loan application has five pieces of data:
creditScore, newHomeAddress, amountToBorrow, creditApproved, and appraisalPassed. The data is
organized in a complex variable, loanApp. What is the minimum output from the 'Approve Credit' service?
A. loanApp
B. creditApproved
C. appraisalPassed
D. amountToBorrow
Answer: B

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NO.9 For each section on a Coach, there is an HTML table generated in the background. How are table rows
dynamically defined or allocated? Based on the:
A. number of sections on the Coach.
B. number of Controls added to each section.
C. entry specified on the customization property.
D. Table Override property in the Presentation category.
Answer: B

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NO.10 An application has five pieces of data: creditScore, newHomeAddress, amountToBorrow,
creditApproved, and appraisalPassed. The data is organized in a complex variable, loanApp. How should
the developer reference the credit score?
A. tw.local.creditScore
B. tw.loanApp.creditScore
C. tw.local.loanApp.creditScore
D. tw.local.approveCredit.loanApp.creditScore
Answer: C

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