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Exam Code: HP0-M52
Exam Name: HP (HP BSM Operations Manager on UNIX and Linux 9.x Software)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 73 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-12-02
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NO.1 What is one benefit of Service Navigator?
A. It can be used as a trouble ticket system.
B. It can specify more than one threshold for the same severity.
C. It is a plug-in for the JAVA GUI.
D. It performs a get impacted services analysis.
Answer: C
HP practice test HP0-M52 answers real questions HP0-M52 practice test HP0-M52 practice test
NO.2 During policy deployment to a group of managed nodes, a message returned says that deployment was
unsuccessful on one of the nodes. The administrator suspects there may be a corrupted core ID on the
managed node. How can the core ID be checked?
A. by running the ovcert -list command on the management server
B. by running the ovcoreid command on the management server for the managed node
C. by running the ovconfget sec.core.auth MANAGER_ID command on the managed node
D. by running the opcnode -list_id node_list=nodename command on the management server
Answer: D
HP HP0-M52 study guide HP0-M52 HP0-M52 HP0-M52 practice test
NO.3 What are the key user elements when adding a user in HPOM? (Select two.)
A. nodes
B. objects
C. tools
D. responsibilities
E. services
Answer: C,D
HP braindump HP0-M52 certification HP0-M52 HP0-M52 questions
NO.4 What is the minimum that must be set when defining a new user in HPOM? (Select two.)
A. a unique username
B. tools associated with user
C. associated service attributes
D. responsibilities
E. password
Answer: A,E
HP HP0-M52 HP0-M52 exam
NO.5 How is the HPOM Admin UI used? (Select three.)
A. to configure custom script for monitoring applications
B. to add new message groups
C. to add system users via LDAP integration
D. to distribute policies to managed systems
E. to configure SNMP Community Strings for network device monitoring
F. to add new nodes to be monitored
Answer: B,D,F
HP HP0-M52 HP0-M52 pdf
NO.6 What are the benefits of HPOM.? (Select three.)
A. reduced time to repair
B. improved software distribution
C. clearer silo separation
D. improved quality of service
E. no agents management overhead
F. investment protection
Answer: A,D,F
HP HP0-M52 certification training HP0-M52 original questions HP0-M52 certification HP0-M52 pdf
NO.7 A "State-Based" browser operates on two guiding principles. What are they? (Select two.)
A. Multiple messages related to the same object are present in the browser to identify its actual state.
B. New messages that have more current information about an object do not acknowledge the old
C. At any point in time, there is one or are many messages for each object.
D. New messages that have more current information about an object should acknowledge the old
E. At any point in time, there is one, and only one, message for each object.
Answer: B,E
HP study guide HP0-M52 HP0-M52 HP0-M52 dumps HP0-M52
NO.8 By default, what is performed during the initial installation process? (Select three.)
A. starting of OMU/OML processes
B. policies deployment on managed nodes
C. checking for prerequisites
D. installation and configuration of a local agent on the server
E. automatic installation of operating system patches
F. automatic creation of a database instance on the remote server
Answer: A,C,D
HP braindump HP0-M52 dumps HP0-M52 HP0-M52
NO.9 The lead HPOM administrator needs to stop the Admin UI application. Which shell commands can be
run to accomplish this? (Select two.)
A. adminui stop
B. ovc -kill
C. AdminUI -stop
D. ovc -stop adminui
E. adminui -kill
Answer: A,D
HP HP0-M52 HP0-M52 test answers HP0-M52
NO.10 In a pattern matching expression, what is the function of the <*> syntax?
A. to match any string of zero or more arbitrary characters
B. to match a sequence of one or more separator characters
C. to match any string that contains no separator characters
D. to match a sequence of one or more digits
Answer: A
HP HP0-M52 questions HP0-M52 test questions HP0-M52 HP0-M52
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