
Adobe 9A0-127 questions and answers

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Exam Code: 9A0-127
Exam Name: Adobe (Adobe ColdFusion 9 ACE Exam)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 101 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-09-06

Adobe 9A0-127 exam candidates all know the Adobe 9A0-127 exam is not easy to pass. But it is also the only way to success, so they have to choose it. In order to improve the value of your career, you must pass this certification exam. The exam questions and answers designed by IT-Tests.com contain different targeted, and have wide coverage. There is no any other books or other information can transcend it. The question bprovided by IT-Tests.com definitely ace exam questions and answers that help you pass the exam. The results many people used prove that IT-Tests.com success rate of up to 100%. IT-Tests.com is the only way that suits you to pass the exam, choose it equal to create a better future.

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9A0-127 (Adobe ColdFusion 9 ACE Exam) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/9A0-127.html

NO.1 You want to load a single entity of type ART from your ORM, using the primary key value 5 as a filter.
Which two function signatures can you use to accomplish this task? (Choose two.)
A. EntityLoadByPK("ART", 5)
B. EntityLoadSingleValue("ART", 5)
C. EntityLoad("ART", 5)
D. EntityLoadByExample("ART", 5)
E. EntityLoad("ART", 5, true)
Answer: A,E

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NO.2 Given the following snippet:
<cfset x=2>
#--x# - #x++#
What is the output.?
A. 1 - 1
B. 1 - 3
C. 1 - 2
D. -1
Answer: A

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NO.3 What is the value of the variable b when the following code block executes?
<cfscript> a = 0; b = 1; a = (a)?b:a; if (a) { b = "apple"; }{ b = "pear"; } </cfscript>
A. 1
B. 0
C. apple
D. pear
Answer: D

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NO.4 A page in your application is accessed at http://localhost/scope.cfm?init=false.
In which variable scope is the init variable available?
A. Attributes
B. Application
D. Form
Answer: C

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NO.5 Given the following code:
<cferror type="validation" template="handler.cfm"/>
<cfform> Enter a value: <cfinput type="text" required="true" name="myinput" validateat="onServer" />
<cfinput type="submit" value="submit" name="submit" />
What happens when the form is submitted and validation rules are broken?
A. The file handler.cfm page is displayed.
B. The ColdFusion default validation error handler page is displayed.
C. The form page is displayed.
D. A runtime error occurs.
Answer: B

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NO.6 You want to convert a query column containing numeric data into a comma-delimited list.
Which function should you use?
A. ValueList()
B. ArrayToList()
C. ColumnList()
D. ListAppend()
Answer: A

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NO.7 Which Web application development task is most likely to benefit from the use of CFML-based regular
A. database queries
B. string parsing
C. image manipulation
D. web services
Answer: B

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NO.8 You want to display a custom template when an exception occurs in your application.
Which tag should you use to specify the template to be displayed?
A. <cfthrow />
B. <cfcatch />
C. <cferror />
D. <cfexecute />
Answer: C

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NO.9 Which code segment can be used to store an array of structures as a client variable?
A. <cfset client.myarray = "#adata#">
B. <cfset client.myarray = valuelist(adata)>
C. <cfset client.myarray = serializeJSON(adata)>
D. <cfset client.myarray = adata>
Answer: C

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NO.10 Given the follow code snippet:
<cfset startTime = CreateDateTime(2009,1,1,0,0,0)>
<cfset endTime = CreateDateTime(2009,1,3,12,0,0)>
<cfset i = 2>
<cfloop from="#startTime#" to="#endTime#" index="i" step="#CreateTimeSpan(1,0,0,0)#">
Hello World! <br />
How many times does the loop iterate?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 12
Answer: B

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NO.11 Given the following code stub:
<cfset obj = {key='Apple',basic=['one','two']} />
Which returns the string "two"?
A. obj.key.basic
B. obj.basic[2]
C. obj.basic[1]
D. obj.basic.2
Answer: B

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NO.12 When should you use the <cfthrow> tag?
A. to consistently handle exceptions in the Application.cfc onError method
B. to throw a message into the JMS message queue for processing
C. to write a diagnostic message to the error.log file
D. to consistently handle all syntax errors throughout your application
Answer: A

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NO.13 What is the value of the variable output when the following code executes?
<cfset output = "There is no answer" />
<cfif 1 eq true>
<cfset output = "The answer is one" />
<cfelseif 0 eq true>
<cfset output = "The answer is two" />
<cfset output = "The answer is three" />
A. "The answer is one"
B. "The answer is two"
C. "The answer is three"
D. "There is no answer"
Answer: A

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NO.14 Your application has the following query which is invalid:
<cfquery datasource="goodphoto" name="test">
<cfcatch type="any">
Which variable contains a string that describes the cause of the error?
A. cfcatch.message
B. cfcatch.type
C. cfcatch.detail
D. cfcatch.errorCode
Answer: C

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NO.15 Which statement about a regular expression is true?
A. It is a term used for common design patterns.
B. It is a method of discussing design with clients.
C. It allows developers to discuss code syntax.
D. It is a method of searching strings.
Answer: D

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