
The Best Network Appliance NS0-156 Exam Training materials

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Exam Code: NS0-156
Exam Name: Network Appliance (Data ONTAP Cluster-Mode Administrator)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 92 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-09-09

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NS0-156 (Data ONTAP Cluster-Mode Administrator) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/NS0-156.html

NO.1 What does Storage Failover allow?
A. disks to fail over between HA partners
B. disks to fail over to a plex
C. disks to fail over to any node in a cluster
D. disks to fail over to the Epsilon node
Answer: A

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NO.2 Which command can be used to identify the target iqn name in Data ONTAP 8.1 Cluster-Mode and
A. cluster iscsi name
B. cluster iscsi nodename
C. cluster iscsi show
D. vserver iscsi nodename
E. vserver iscsi name
F. vserver iscsi show
Answer: F

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NO.3 To operate Data ONTAP 8.1 Cluster-Mode SAN, what must be configured on both the initiator and
A. Logical Unit Access Initialization
B. Physical Unit Access Initialization
C. Symmetric Logical Unit Access
D. Asymmetric Logical Unit Access
E. SAN Access Initialization Protocol
Answer: D

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NO.4 Which two statements are true in a SnapMirror LS mirror relationship? (Choose two.)
A. Client requests to write data are allowed if the user is root.
B. Client requests to write data are denied unless accessing the admin share.
C. Client requests to read data are only allowed if the mirror is up-to-date.
D. Client requests to read data are redirected to the LS mirror destination volumes.
Answer: B,D

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NO.5 Which statement is true about a Data Protection (DP)-type SnapMirror destination volume?
A. It can be in a Data ONTAP GX cluster.
B. It must be on the same disk type as the source volume.
C. It can be smaller than the source volume.
D. It can be on a different disk type than the source volume.
Answer: D

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NO.6 How does the NetApp Remote Support Agent (RSA) connect to NetApp Support?
A. NetApp Support initiates a secure connection to the RSA.
B. NetApp Support initiates a non-secure connection to the RSA.
C. The RSA initiates a secure connection to NetApp Support.
D. The RSA initiates a non-secure connection to NetApp Support.
Answer: C

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NO.7 Which storage system combination is supported in Cluster-Mode?
A. a pair of FAS3270s and a pair of FAS3020s
B. a pair of FAS3270s with a FAS3240 and a FAS6240
C. a pair of FAS6280s and a pair of E7900s
D. a pair of FAS6280s and a pair of FAS3240s
Answer: D

Network Appliance test questions   NS0-156   NS0-156

NO.8 Which five protocols are supported by Data ONTAP 8.1 Cluster-Mode? (Choose five.)
Answer: A,B,D,F,G

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NO.9 Which two SMB versions does Data ONTAP Cluster-Mode support? (Choose two.)
A. SMB 1.0
B. SMB 2.0
C. SMB 3.0
D. SMB 4.0
Answer: A,B

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NO.10 Which two methods expose volumes to NAS clients? (Choose two.)
A. mount directories of a volume in a namespace
B. mount the required namespaces in a volume
C. mount the required namespaces in an aggregate
D. mount the required volumes in a namespace
Answer: A,D

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