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Exam Code: Hp2-E29
Exam Name: HP (Planning and Designing HP SMB Solutions)
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Total Q&A: 166 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-10-02
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NO.1 Which HP software application is required to manage an HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array
A. HPStorageWorks Secure Manager
B. HPStorageWorks Command View EVA
C. HP Storage Essentials SRM Software Suite
D. HP Continuous Access EVA
Answer: B
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3.Which component in an HP Data Protector solution runs the core software and contains the Data
Protector database?
A. media server
B. console server
C. cell manager
D. media manager
Answer: C
HP exam dumps Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29 test answers Hp2-E29
4.A customer wants to use HP Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM) to secure their management
environment. Which technologies are used with HP SIM accomplish this task? (Select two.)
Answer: A,B
HP Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29 test answers Hp2-E29 exam prep Hp2-E29
5.When a G6 blade solution includes Flex-10 Virtual Connect Ethernet modules, what are possible
bandwidth configurations for a single Flex-NIC on port 1? (Select two.)
A. 10Mb
B. 300Mb
C. 750Mb
D. 8Gb
E. 16Gb
Answer: B,D
HP Hp2-E29 pdf Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29
6.Which feature becomes available when a G6 blade solution includes Flex-10 Virtual Connect Ethernet
A. support for port aggregation for each blade increases to 10 ports
B. blade NICs auto-negotiate to 10/100Mb bandwidth
C. embedded Flexible NICs for each blade increases to 10 NICs
D. bandwidth for each network card can be dynamically changed from 100Mb up to 10Gb
Answer: D
HP Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29 braindump Hp2-E29 test Hp2-E29
7.A customer wants to order several ProLiant servers as virtual machine hosts. Which HP iVirtualization
solutions are available to the customer? (Select two.)
A. Red Hat Linux Enterprise Server
B. VMware ESX 4i
C. CitrixXenServer
D. VMware Server
E. Microsoft Windows Virtual Server 2005
F. Microsoft Virtual Hyper-V
Answer: B,C
HP pdf Hp2-E29 demo Hp2-E29 questions Hp2-E29 exam Hp2-E29 test questions
8.Which statement is true about processor cache?
A. it reduces the risk of downtime.
B. It enables floating point processing.
C. It reduces the amount of time needed for the processor to access data.
D. it reduces risk of data loss.
Answer: C
HP Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29 exam dumps Hp2-E29
9.Which RAID level is able to withstand any two simultaneous hard drive failures?
B. RAID 1+0
Answer: C
HP questions Hp2-E29 certification Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29
10.Which feature included in the firmware of D2D Backup System eliminates redundant data during
backups by saving a single copy of identical data, replacing any further instance with pointers back to the
one copy?
A. dynamic reallocation
B. data retention
C. deduplication
D. low bandwidth replication
Answer: C
HP Hp2-E29 practice test Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29
11.Which ProLiant servers have a maximum of four processor sockets? (Select two.)
A. ML370
B. BL860c
C. DL585
D. BL680C
E. DL785
Answer: D,E
HP Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29 test questions
12.Which component from HP Insight Foundation Suite for ProLiant can be used for array configuration
and guided installation of the supported operating system?
A. SmartStart CD
B. Management DVD
C. Firmware Maintenance CD
D. Insight Software DVD
Answer: A
HP test questions Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29 test answers Hp2-E29 demo Hp2-E29 certification
13.What additional functionality does HP Insight Remote Support provide to customers using HP SIM?
(Select two.)
A. remote event notification and forwarding
B. integrated warranty tracking and online remote support
C. remote configuration and repair of management agents
D. integration with HP Insight License Manager
E. remoteiLO 2 graphical console access
Answer: A,B
HP test answers Hp2-E29 exam Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29 original questions Hp2-E29 dumps Hp2-E29 exam prep
14.Your customer is consolidating his environment on four ProLiant servers running VMware ESX 4.0.
Which HP insight Control functionality can help him to convert physical machines to a virtual machine
form on ESX 4.0 servers?
A. performance management
B. server deployment
C. server migration
D. virtual machine management
Answer: C
HP test answers Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29 test
15.Which Insight Control component identifies and prevents potentially critical problems on ProLiant
servers by providing real-time hardware event monitoring and secure event submission to HP Support?
A. HP Software Event Subscription
B. HP Insight Performance Manager module
C. Version Control Repository and Version Control Agent
D. HP Insight Remote Support
Answer: D
HP study guide Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29 test questions Hp2-E29 questions
16.What does Dynamic Processor Resilience enhance?
A. data security
B. server availability
C. fast clustering failover
D. floating point performance
Answer: B
HP exam prep Hp2-E29 certification training Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29
17.Which tape technology allows hardware-based encryption?
A. HP SuperDLTtape II 600GB
C. SDLT600
D. LTO-4
Answer: D
HP Hp2-E29 certification training Hp2-E29 exam Hp2-E29 braindump
18.Which HP disk-based storage solution provides both unattended backups and rapid restore of data for
LAN-based servers, and can also emulate popular tape libraries tape drives?
A. HP Virtual Library System (VLS)
B. HP Enterprise Virtual Array (EVA)
C. HP Modular Smart Array (MSA) 2000 G2
D. Removable Disk Backup System (RDX)
Answer: A
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19.What enables resiliency in an HP Converged Infastructure? (Select two.)
A. power, cooling, and interconnect capabilities of the HPBiadeSystem c3000 enclosure
B. visualization products like VMware or Microsoft Hyper-V solutions
C. HPStorageWorks data protection solutions
D. modular building blocks providing maximum flexibility for scalability and customization
E. HP Insight Software components with appropriate services
Answer: D,E
HP Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29 Hp2-E29 study guide
20.Which HP software component can be used to install multiple ProLiant servers quickly and predictably
in an unattended fashion using scripts and systems images?
A. HP Remote Deployment Utility
B. HPIgnite-UX
C. HP Server Migration Software forProLiant servers
D. HP Insight Rapid Deployment software
Answer: D
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