
Best SAP C-TSCM62-64 test training guide

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Exam Code: C-TSCM62-64
Exam Name: SAP (SAP Certified Application Associate - Order Fulfillment with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP4)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 82 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-12-05

I believe that people want to have good prospects of career whatever industry they work in. Of course, there is no exception in the competitive IT industry. IT Professionals working in the IT area also want to have good opportunities for promotion of job and salary. A lot of IT professional know that SAP certification C-TSCM62-64 exam can help you meet these aspirations. IT-Tests.com is a website which help you successfully pass SAP C-TSCM62-64.

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C-TSCM62-64 (SAP Certified Application Associate - Order Fulfillment with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP4) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/C-TSCM62-64.html

NO.1 During sales order processing, a user will be alerted when stock is not available for material
entered in the sales order if the availability check was carried out. In which of the following ways
will the user be alerted about this situation?
A. An error message will appear on the status bar alerting the user to the situation.
B. The schedule line will be marked and highlighted by the system.
C. The availability control screen will be displayed.
D. The incompletion log will display the unconfirmed schedule line as a missing field.
Answer: C

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NO.2 Which of the following SAP NetWeaver components ensures company-wide unification of
and information in heterogeneous IT environments?
A. Business Warehouse
B. Knowledge Management
C. Enterprise Portal
D. Master Data Management
Answer: D

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NO.3 Which of the following SAP NetWeaver components realizes cross-system application
A. SAP Exchange Infrastructure (SAP XI) / SAP Process Integration (SAP PI)
B. SAP Master Data Management (SAP MDM)
C. SAP Enterprise Portal (SAP EP)
D. SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW)
Answer: A

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NO.4 Which of the following statements regarding the free goods process is correct?
A. Free goods with exclusive bonus quantity will always create a subitem.
B. Free goods with inclusive bonus quantity will always take place without a subitem being
C. The free goods calculation rule only allows for whole unit free goods bonus increments.
D. Free goods with exclusive bonus quantity must contain the same material for the ordered
and the free goods.
Answer: A

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NO.5 In the system, it is possible to have zero stock available and still receive a confirmed
schedule line
in the sales order. Which of the following states the reason for this confirmation?
A. Stock will be taken from another delivery at the shipping point.
B. The system automatically searches other plants for inventory and transfers this inventory to
plant with zero inventory in the sales order.
C. The availability check that was carried out included a replenishment lead time in the scope of
D. A stock transfer will be created by inventory management when you save the sales order.
Answer: C

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NO.6 The availability check (ATP) is carried out based on which of the following dates?
A. The material availability date
B. The transportation planning date
C. The goods issue date
D. The loading date
Answer: A

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NO.7 You want to restrict what materials a customer can order. What do you use to achieve this?
A. Material group
B. Assortment module
C. Material listing
D. Product hierarchy
Answer: C

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NO.8 Which of the following statements regarding material determination are correct? Note:
There are
correct answers to this question.
A. Condition tables must be defined in Customizing (IMG).
B. The definition of the substitution reason determines whether a manual or an automatic
substitution process should be used.
C. The material determination procedure is assigned to a combination of sales areas, customer
pricing procedures, and document pricing procedures.
D. The relevant substitution reason is specified in the access sequence.
Answer: A,B

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NO.9 The entry for the assignment of the incompleteness procedures to the sales document types
contains the following information: Sales Type: OR Description: Standard Order Procedure: 11
Description: Sales Order Field: IC-dialog is flagged. Which of the following conclusions can you
draw from this entry?
A. Incomplete standard orders must be released in a dialog for further process steps.
B. Procedure 11 specifies which fields in standard orders (header data) are checked for
completeness and order type OR cannot be saved if any of the fields are incomplete.
C. Incomplete standard orders can be saved after a warning message (dialog) appears.
D. Incomplete standard orders can be saved.
Answer: B

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NO.10 Which of the following elements can directly influence whether an availability check will be
performed? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. The schedule line category in the sales document
B. The item category in the delivery document
C. The check group in the material master
D. The item category in the sales document
E. The sales document type
Answer: A,B,C

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