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Exam Code: C_TFIN52_66
Exam Name: SAP (SAP Certified Application Associate - Financial Accounting with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP6)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 80 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-12-05
C_TFIN52_66 (SAP Certified Application Associate - Financial Accounting with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP6) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 You post a G/L document. For the Text field, the field status of the posting key is set to
Entry and the field status of the G/L account is set to Hidden Entry?
What happens during posting?
A. The document is posted.
B. A warning message is shown.
C. An error message is shown.
D. The Text field is hidden.
Answer: C
SAP certification C_TFIN52_66 demo C_TFIN52_66 demo C_TFIN52_66 braindump
NO.2 You have two house banks. Each house bank has three bank accounts.
How many separate G/L accounts do you recommend the customer creates in the chart of
A. Six – one for each combination of house bank and bank account
B. One for all postings
C. Two – one for each house bank
D. Three – one for each bank account
Answer: A
SAP study guide C_TFIN52_66 C_TFIN52_66 C_TFIN52_66 test answers C_TFIN52_66
NO.3 Which of the following accounts are updated directly?
A. Accounts in the group chart of accounts
B. Accounts in the operating chart of accounts
C. Accounts in the master chart of accounts
D. Accounts in the country chart of accounts
Answer: B
SAP C_TFIN52_66 C_TFIN52_66 test C_TFIN52_66 C_TFIN52_66
NO.4 In your leading ledger (ledger solution), balance sheets must be created for company codes
Which Customizing settings do you need to make? (Choose two)
A. Define a retained earnings account.
B. Define two retained earnings accounts and assign them to your P&L accounts.
C. Assign the Segment Reporting scenario to your leading ledger.
D. Activate cost of sales accounting.
Answer: A,C
SAP C_TFIN52_66 C_TFIN52_66 questions C_TFIN52_66 C_TFIN52_66 certification C_TFIN52_66 study guide
NO.5 What are the prerequisites for setting up cross-company-code cost accounting? (Choose two)
A. The same fiscal year variant is used for all company codes.
B. The same currency is used for all company codes.
C. The same variant for open periods is used for all company codes.
D. The same chart of accounts is used for all company codes.
Answer: A,D
SAP C_TFIN52_66 exam prep C_TFIN52_66 certification training C_TFIN52_66 braindump C_TFIN52_66 dumps
NO.6 To which of the following does an asset class apply?
A. To all company codes in a controlling area
B. To all company codes in an instance (client-independent)
C. To all company codes in a client
D. To all company codes within a client, which share the same chart of accounts
Answer: C
SAP C_TFIN52_66 C_TFIN52_66 C_TFIN52_66 test questions
NO.7 Which line item field is filled automatically by the sort key field of a master record (G/L
customer, or vendor)?
A. Item text
B. Assignment
C. Amount in document currency
D. Number of the invoice to which the transaction belongs
Answer: B
SAP C_TFIN52_66 C_TFIN52_66
NO.8 Your company currently uses internal number ranges for documents. You are rolling out your
system in a new country. It is a legal requirement in this country to have external document
numbering on vendor invoices (currently document type KR). You have copied the number ranges
from the existing company code to the new company code.
Which Customizing settings do you have to make to meet this requirement and have a minimal
effect on the existing system configuration?
A. Mark a new document number range as external and assign it to the document type KR.
B. Create a new external document type and assign the number range 51 to the new document
C. Create a new document type and a new external number range interval as external. Assign the
new number range to the new document type.
D. Mark existing number range interval 51 as external for the new company code.
Answer: D
SAP dumps C_TFIN52_66 exam prep C_TFIN52_66 certification training
NO.9 For reports in Asset Accounting, which object do you have to use and, where necessary,
customize to determine the sort level and/or the summation level?
A. Depreciation area
B. Sort key
C. Sort variant
D. Valuation area
Answer: C
SAP C_TFIN52_66 C_TFIN52_66 exam C_TFIN52_66 C_TFIN52_66 braindump
NO.10 Which of the following task types are supported by the Closing Cockpit or Schedule Manager?
(Choose three)
A. Spreadsheets
B. Transactions
C. Reconciliation keys
D. Notes (as a reminder or milestone)
E. Programs with or without variant
Answer: B,D,E
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