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Exam Code: C-TAW12-71
Exam Name: SAP (SAP Certfied Development Associate - ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.02)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 79 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-12-05

To help you prepare for C-TAW12-71 examination certification, we provide you with a sound knowledge and experience. The questions designed by IT-Tests.com can help you easily pass the exam. The IT-Tests.com SAP C-TAW12-71 practice including C-TAW12-71 exam questions and answers, C-TAW12-71 test, C-TAW12-71 books, C-TAW12-71 study guide.

If you want to achieve maximum results with minimum effort in a short period of time, and want to pass the SAP C-TAW12-71 exam. You can use IT-Tests.com's SAP C-TAW12-71 exam training materials. The training materials of IT-Tests.com are the product that through the test of practice. Many candidates proved it does 100% pass the exam. With it, you will reach your goal, and can get the best results.

C-TAW12-71 (SAP Certfied Development Associate - ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.02) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/C-TAW12-71.html

NO.1 When you press Double_Click, What will happen.
A. Handler class.
B. Handler method.
C. event handler class method triggers
D. 2 more options.
Answer: C

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NO.2 There are two classes CL_SUPER and CL_SUB. Class CL_SUPER has method say
SUPER_METHOD and CL_SUB has a method SUB_METHOD.[This q gave me confidence and put me
into confusion!!....what is wrong (TRICKY thing is they dint mention CL_SUB is inherited from
DATA: GO_SUPER type ref to CL_SUPER,
GO_SUB type ref to CL_SUB.
Answer: A

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NO.3 What you can do in class builder.
A. Local class and Local interface from your local program.
B. Redefine classes and interfaces.
C. When you can define global class, you can use in F8 Function.
Answer: ABC

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NO.4 Size of Integer.
A. 8 bytes
B. 6 bytes
C. 4 bytes
D. Assigns as you declare the value.
Answer: C

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NO.5 Which of the following part of SAP business suite. (3 Answers)
A. SAP Design By one
B. SAP Design All
C. Product life cycle management
Answer: CDE

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NO.6 What are the components of ABAP Workbench.(3 answer)
A. Function builder.
B. Class Builder
C. Screen Painter
D. Two more options.
Answer: ABC

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NO.7 What are the parameters of Functional method. (2 answer)
A. Importing
B. Exporting
C. Changing
D. Returning
E. Transporting
Answer: AD

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NO.8 What is defined in ABAP Dictionary. (3 answer)
A. Type tools.
B. Transparent tables.
C. Domains.
D. Internal tables
E. Methods
Answer: ABC

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NO.9 When is the authorization of user checked for entering data.
A. When entered.
B. At selection screen
C. At selection screen Output
D. End of page.
Answer: B

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NO.10 In a table, when buffering settings are switched on and buffering style is single,What would
be the option .
D. One more option
Answer: A

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Article Link: http://www.it-tests.com/C-TAW12-71.html

