
試験科目:Using JavaScript in IBM Lotus Domino 8 Applications
問題と解答:全88問 LOT-804 資格認定

試験科目:IBM Lotus Notes Domino 8 Implementing andamp; Administering Securi
問題と解答:全115問 LOT-841 全真模擬試験

試験科目:WebSphere Sales Mastery Test for the Sales Professional v4
問題と解答:全57問 000-M239 学習資料
NO.1 It s very likely that our clients have Tomcat applications along with their Application Server
applications.What is the IBM WebSphere strategy for replacement of Tomcat installations?
A.Sellclients about WebSphere Application Servers (WAS) new strategy of Feature Packs (FEPs)
B.Sell clients WebSphere Express & WEB 2 0 Feature Pack
C.Sell clients support (or WebSphere Community Edition (WAS CE)
D.Sell WebSphere Extended Deployment (WXD) to add Quality ofService(QoS) to TomCat Applications
Answer: B
IBM 000-M239ふりーく 000-M239問題集
NO.2 Customer Opportunity Workshops should
A.be used to salvage a sale that is collapsing
B.be used late in the sales cycle
C.be considered and included in every Win Plan
D.not require customer participation
Answer: C
IBM教科書 000-M239テスト 000-M239学習
NO.3 What is an ideal next step after the Business Process Management (BPM) whiteboarding exercise?
A.Provide the client with Industry Use Cases.
B.Ask the client for the order of the products you discussed during whiteboarding exercise.
C.Gain agreement to move forward with a Business Value Assessment (BVA) Workshop.
D.Schedule a second whiteboarding session with the IT staff.
Answer: C
IBM方法 000-M239 000-M239内容
NO.4 Which statement below accurately tefleds the concept of Business Process Management (BPM)?
A.BPM is a discipline designing and managing systems in a thoughtful, systematic and flexible way that
takes the whole, end-to-end business process into account
B.The use ofsoftware, such as orchestration engines and workflow tools, at run-time, to direct the
sequence of execution of software components and human activity steps in a process
C.Using software to control the conditional execution of activities based on rules and potaes
D.all of the above
Answer: A
IBM認証試験 000-M239教科書 000-M239短期 000-M239試験
NO.5 Which choiceis TRUE of WebSphere sMash?
A.use of BPM to model company carbon footprint
B.platform to reduce application server costs
C.open source version of WebSphere Application Server (WAS)
D.Application Server & Development Platform for lightweight Java/PHP applications
Answer: D
IBMふりーく 000-M239問題 000-M239
NO.6 Which of the following statements describe ways to engage customers in business driven BPM
A.Align the business agility story to industry imperatives
B.Be focused on IBM assets rather than customer outcomes
C.Provide a way of linking a business view and an IT view of the solution
Answer: D
IBM参考書 000-M239学校 000-M239 000-M239教本 000-M239 000-M239
NO.7 How does JBoss define a "socket".?
B.the number of processor cores
C.Intel only chips
D.none of the above
Answer: A
IBM 000-M239初心者 000-M239模擬 000-M239関節
NO.8 WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus (WESB) is central to the SOA evolution.Which of the following
statements describe value delivered by WESB?
A.Integrates seamlessly with the WebSphere platform
B.Delivers business-critical qualities of service.
C.Is an integrated solution for service mediation and hosting
D.All of the above
Answer: A
IBM資格 000-M239資格 000-M239対策 000-M239受験記 000-M239過去問