
1Z0-265 best Oracle certification exam questions and answers free download

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IT-Tests.com is a professional website to specially provide training tools for IT certification exams and a good choice to help you pass 1Z0-265 exam,too. IT-Tests.com provide exam materials about 1Z0-265 certification exam for you to consolidate learning opportunities. IT-Tests.com will provide all the latest and accurate exam practice questions and answers for the staff to participate in 1Z0-265 certification exam.

Exam Code: 1Z0-265

Exam Name: Oracle (Hyperion BI+ 9.3 Administrator)

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1Z0-265 (Hyperion BI+ 9.3 Administrator) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/1Z0-265.html

NO.1 A batch is a set of reports created in: (Choose two.)
A.Financial Reporting
B.Interactive Reporting
C.Web Analysis
D.Dashboard Studio
Correct:A E

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NO.2 Hong Boa needs to create a user for BI+ within the Big Corporation System 9 implementation.
He opens a request with IT. Which Shared Services role does Hong need in order to enable users
to access BI+?
A.Provisioning Manager
B.Provisioning Administrator
C.Directory Manager
D.Project Manager
E.Global Administrator

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NO.3 At Big Corporation, users enter a username and password to log on at the web server. When
they enter Workspace, they are not prompted to logon. This is an example of _______

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NO.4 Which three tasks must be completed prior to installing BI+? (Choose three.)
A.Create a repository database and user accounts
B.Install the database client on the server for Shared Services
C.Create a domain account
D.Obtain a license file
Correct:A C D

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NO.5 What is the first step when installing BI+?
A.Install the studios
B.Install the base services
C.Install the license server
D.Create a Hyperion Home directory

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Through the feedback of many examinees who have used IT-Tests's training program to pass some IT certification exams, it proves that using IT-Tests's products to pass IT certification exams is very easy. Recently, IT-Tests.com has developed the newest training solutions about the popular Oracle certification 1Z0-265 exam, including some pertinent simulation tests that will help you consolidate related knowledge and let you be well ready for Oracle certification 1Z0-265 exam.

