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Exam Code: 9L0-408
Exam Name: Apple (Mac Integration Basics 10.8 Exam)
9L0-408 (Mac Integration Basics 10.8 Exam) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 SMB is also called _____________.
Answer: A
Apple exam simulations 9L0-408 9L0-408 answers real questions 9L0-408 test answers
NO.2 On a Mac, you are adding a new Mail account that will access an Exchange server. The server
has Autodiscover enabled. What is the minimum information you need in order to add the
A. the Exchange email address and password
B. the Exchange email address and password, and the Exchange Server IP address or domain
C. the Exchange email address and password, the Exchange Server IP address or domain name,
and the Exchangeserver admin account name
D. the Exchange email address
Answer: A
Apple 9L0-408 9L0-408 9L0-408 9L0-408 braindump
NO.3 You are setting up Time Machine on your Mac. Where can Time Machine store its backup
A. iCloud
B. DVD-R disc
C. external USB hard disk
D. internal startup volume
Answer: C
Apple 9L0-408 answers real questions 9L0-408
NO.4 What is SMTP's role in email transactions?
A. SMTP transfers outgoing email from the sender's mail server to the recipient's mail server.
B. SMTP provides the mail server with user account information, including the user ID and email
address for arequested user account.
C. SMTP translates IP addresses into domain names, and vice versa.
D. SMTP transfers incoming email from the recipient's mail server to the recipient's local mailbox.
Answer: A
Apple test questions 9L0-408 9L0-408 9L0-408
NO.5 In OS X Mountain Lion, which of these can you use to set a firmware password?
A. The Users & Groups pane of System Preferences
B. The Security pane of System Preferences
C. The Firmware Password utility in /System/Library/CoreServices/
D. The Firmware Password utility on the Recovery partition
Answer: D
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