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Exam Code: COG-625
Exam Name: IBM (IBM Cognos 10 BI Data Warehouse Developer)
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COG-625 (IBM Cognos 10 BI Data Warehouse Developer) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 What can be done to minimize memory consumption?
A. Disable dimension breaking on the fact build.
B. Disable fact build logging.
C. Enable dimension breaking on the fact build.
D. Enable auditing on the fact build.
Answer: C
IBM COG-625 answers real questions COG-625 exam COG-625
NO.2 A dimension table tracks employee data. If an employee's phone number changes, the old phone
number does not need to be kept. What kind of change is this?
A. Type 3, non-standard
B. Type 1
C. Type 2
D. Type 2, non-standard
Answer: B
IBM COG-625 certification training COG-625 exam simulations COG-625 pdf
NO.3 To reduce memory usage, what should be done when setting up dimension breaking for a fact build?
A. Ensure that each data source is sorted by the same set of dimensions, in the same sequence.
B. Specify at least one aggregate rule for each dimension element for which breaking is enabled.
C. Disable the hash table and page pool for the fact build.
D. Disable late arriving facts processing for the fact build.
Answer: A
IBM COG-625 exam prep COG-625
NO.4 The data in the Product dimension table appears as follows:
What is one of the things that must be done to ensure that all of these records are delivered into the
dimension table?
A. In the properties of the underlying hierarchy, set the Unbalanced Hierarchy feature to Accept.
B. In the properties of the dimension table, specify that late arriving dimension details are to be written to
a table.
C. In the properties of the underlying hierarchy, set the Multiple Parents feature to Accept.
D. In the properties of the template that is used to deliver the dimension build, include an attribute with
effective start date behavior.
Answer: D
IBM COG-625 COG-625
NO.5 During execution, a fact build generated the following messages in the log file:
What can be done to avoid seeing the last three lines when the build is executed again.?
A. Increase the initial size of the hash table.
B. Decrease the size of the page pool.
C. Disable audit logging.
D. Increase the amount of working memory (in megabytes).
Answer: A
IBM test questions COG-625 exam prep COG-625
NO.6 A developer wants to ensure that the business keys in incoming source data are replaced with surrogate
keys in the fact tables. To do this, what must be modified?
A. Hierarchy properties
B. Template properties
C. Fact build properties
D. Connection properties
Answer: B
IBM COG-625 certification COG-625 COG-625 test answers COG-625
NO.7 A dimension table tracks employee data. If an employee's work location changes, the previous work
location needs to be kept and a new record needs to be created. What kind of change is this?
A. Type 0
B. Type 1
C. Type 2
D. Type 3
Answer: C
IBM COG-625 certification COG-625 exam simulations COG-625 dumps COG-625 exam dumps COG-625
NO.8 A dimension table contains the following data:
If late arriving fact processing is enabled, what will be the value of the surrogate key assigned to the last
row of fact data?
A. 11110
B. 11111
C. 11112
D. 11113
Answer: B
IBM COG-625 dumps COG-625 braindump COG-625 certification training COG-625 exam dumps COG-625 test
NO.9 When creating dimensions, what is commonly used to track historical changes?
A. Level filters
B. Surrogate keys
C. Output filters
D. Derived dimensions
Answer: B
IBM COG-625 COG-625 study guide COG-625 study guide
NO.10 Some incoming fact data has invalid product codes. The developer wants to accept this fact data and
assign the necessary surrogate keys in the dimension table. What can be done to accomplish this?
A. Accept unmatched member identifiers in the measure element properties.
B. Modify the SQL for the reference structure to exclude the missing product codes.
C. Accept unmatched member identifiers in the dimension element properties and save unmatched
member details via reference structure.
D. Add a derived dimension element to the fact build to store the missing product codes and unsubscribe
the element from the delivery module.
Answer: C
IBM certification COG-625 COG-625 COG-625
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