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Exam Code: MB4-640
Exam Name: Microsoft (SL 7.0 Customization Manager)
MB4-640 (SL 7.0 Customization Manager) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 Which table in the database houses screen customizations?
A. CustomVBA table in the System database
B. CustomVBA table in the Application database
C. Custom2 table in the Application database
D. CustomVBA and the Custom2 tables in the System database.
Answer: D
Microsoft MB4-640 MB4-640
NO.2 How can you determine whether a screen was customized by using Customization Manager?
A. When the screen is open, "Save Settings on Exit" is checked under the Option menu on the Microsoft
Dynamics SL toolbar.
B. When the screen opens, a prompt appears that asks whether you want to Load the
C. By looking in the Event Log to see whether the screen was ever customized.
D. By opening the screen and seeing whether there is an "*" (asterisk) before the screen title.
Answer: D
Microsoft MB4-640 exam simulations MB4-640 MB4-640 test MB4-640 practice test
NO.3 Which are true statements about the Microsoft Dynamics SL Customization Manager? Choose the 2
that apply.
A. When you make a modification to a Microsoft Dynamics SL screen using
Customization Manager you can directly modify the screen Visual Customization Manager you can
directly modify the screen? Visual Basic code.
B. When you make a modification to a Microsoft Dynamics SL screen using
Customization Manager you cannot directly modify the screen Customization Manager you cannot
directly modify the screen? Visual Basic code.
C. Customization Manager cannot be used to create new application windows in Microsoft Dynamics SL.
D. Customizations are stored in the Microsoft Dynamics SL application database.
Answer: B,C
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