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MB5-627 (C5 4.0 System Consultant) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 Can you write a longer free text on an invoice?
A.Yes, by using the notes field
B.Yes, the text field may contain an unlimited number of characters
D.No, the limit is 10 characters.
Answer: A
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NO.2 What significance does setting up a customer as a non-recur. cust. have?
A.Invoicing can only be carried out once
B.It is first of significance when you want to delete the customer
C.Invoicing can only be carried out once and the customer is deleted after usage
D.Only one invoice and payment of the invoice can be registered
Answer: B
Microsoft pdf MB5-627 MB5-627 certification MB5-627 MB5-627 study guide
NO.3 Can you change the account number for a customer?
A.No, you have to re-create the customer
B.Yes, but the entries for the customer are deleted
C.Yes, but only for customers without open entries
D.Yes, always
Answer: D
Microsoft exam simulations MB5-627 MB5-627 original questions
NO.4 Can entries in a customer account be exchange rate adjusted?
A.Yes, but only manually via a general journal
B.Yes, via an automatic exchange rate adjustment job
C.Yes, but only if you use a minimum of 3 different currencies
Answer: B
Microsoft MB5-627 test questions MB5-627
NO.5 How do you specify if it is compulsory to post items into an account with a department specification?
Answer: C
Microsoft original questions MB5-627 answers real questions MB5-627 MB5-627
NO.6 Can you post 2 vouchers with the same voucher number?
A.Yes, if the vouchers are each posted in their fiscal year
B.Yes, if the vouchers are each posted in the same fiscal year
C.No, this is not possible
D.Depends on the parameter
Answer: D
Microsoft certification training MB5-627 MB5-627 MB5-627
NO.7 How many times can you create opening entries?
A.Once per fiscal year
B.Twice per fiscal year
C.As often as you want, up until the period is closed
D.As often as you want
Answer: D
Microsoft MB5-627 MB5-627 questions
NO.8 Can you create a credit note based upon a purchase invoice that has already been updated?
A.Yes, via Customer/Periodic
B.Yes, via Purchase/Periodic
C.Yes, via Purchase/Table/Purchase archive
Answer: C
Microsoft MB5-627 MB5-627 MB5-627 study guide
NO.9 Can you decide which voucher series a general journal shall use?
A.Yes, this is selected under G/L/Setup/Voucher series
B.Yes, this is selected under G/L/Setup/Journal name
D.Yes, this is selected under the posting parameters
Answer: B
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NO.10 Should there be a date balance in a general journal before this can be booked?
B.Yes, always
C.Depends on the parameter
D.Depends on how the vouchers are entered
Answer: C
Microsoft MB5-627 practice test MB5-627 practice test MB5-627 test
NO.11 How many general journals can be created?
A.One per user
B.One general and one standing journal
C.One general and one standing journal per user
Answer: D
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NO.12 Which of these allocation procedures can be performed?
A.Allocation between G/L accounts
B.Allocation between companies
C.Allocation between employees
D.Allocation between vendor accounts
Answer: A
Microsoft MB5-627 MB5-627 braindump
NO.13 Action lists can be used to...?
A.Create your own jobs
B.Group your customers
C.Group your vendors
D.Reconcile the balances of the various modules
Answer: A
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NO.14 In the Customer table, can you specify that a customer shall also act as a vendor?
B.Yes, if you create a customer group called Vendor
C.Yes, if you select this from the Vendor field
D.A customer is always a vendor as well
Answer: A
Microsoft MB5-627 MB5-627 braindump
NO.15 What effect does it have, if an item is set up without specifying an item group?
A.You run the risk of posting on the error accounts
B.The Statistics section does not work
C.The item acts as a service
D.You are not allowed to create the item
Answer: D
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NO.16 Can you post a sales invoice without entering item lines?
A.Yes, you can enter the invoice amount in Customer/Daily in the tab Statistics
B.Yes, in a General journal
C.Yes, but only if the Order module is used
Answer: B
Microsoft MB5-627 MB5-627 braindump
NO.17 How does a standing G/L journal work?
A.The journal is saved after posting
B.Entry lines in the journal are saved after posting
C.The journal is posted automatically every month
D.The Cash report is printed A4 height instead of A4 width
Answer: B
Microsoft test MB5-627 MB5-627 braindump MB5-627 MB5-627
NO.18 Is it possible to create a budget based upon realized entries from previous years?
B.Yes, but only if these are manually calculated and entered via the budget journal
C.Yes, if you use the extended budgeting facilities
D.Yes, but only if you have budgeted in previous years
Answer: C
Microsoft certification MB5-627 braindump MB5-627 MB5-627
NO.19 What effect does selecting "System" in the Access field of the G/L table have?
A.The system can post the accounts, but the user cannot
B.The system cannot automatically post the accounts
C.Neither the system nor the user can post the accounts
D.Both the system and the user can post the accounts
Answer: A
Microsoft test answers MB5-627 MB5-627 exam prep MB5-627
NO.20 Can you prevent one customer from ever receiving a debt recovery letter while all other customers are
able to receive debt recovery letters?
B.Yes, this is specified where the reminder codes are created
C.Yes, this is specified in the Customer table
D.Yes, this is specified in the Vendor table
Answer: C
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