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Exam Code: 132-S-900
Exam Name: Avaya (Avaya IP Telephony Design Elective Exam )
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132-S-900 (Avaya IP Telephony Design Elective Exam ) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/132-S-900.html
NO.1 A customer wants to use an Avaya S87xx Media Server with Avaya G700 Gateways at remote
locations. Each G700 Gateway will include an S8300 Local Survivable Processor and
approximately 75 IP sets incorporating G.711. What Avaya feature allows IP sets to register with
the S8300 if connectivity to the S87xx is lost?
A. Local CLAN board
B. Alternate Gatekeeper
C. S8300 Auto-Registration
D. Gateway Alternate Redirection
Answer: B
Avaya 132-S-900 test questions 132-S-900 132-S-900
NO.2 .In discussing an organization's DHCP strategy, you find they distribute IP address assignment for
IP telephones at the branch location via the telephony gateway. Which two gateways are viable
options to support the customer's DHCP strategy? (Choose two.)
A. G250 Media Gateway
B. G350 Media Gateway
C. G650 Media Gateway
D. G700 Media Gateway
Answer: A,B
Avaya 132-S-900 132-S-900 132-S-900 test
NO.3 .An RFP for a Interactive Voice Response (IVR) unit and mid-sized communication system has
been released. You are responsible for determining the design solution. The RFP states that the
IVR platform must be engineered to handle 135 25-second messages during the busy hour. You
calculate this requirement to equal 47 ports. If you provide 47 ISDN PRI trunks (two ISDN PRI
facilities), which two traffic concerns must you consider? (Choose two.)
A. No trunk growth is available on the ISDN PRI facilities.
B. 47 active trunks overload the two ISDN PRI facilities, seriously affecting traffic load and call
C. Considering there is only one channel for signaling, a backup D channel cannot be provided,
affecting traffic if the D channel fails.
D. ISDN PRI facilities direct from the central office limit the caller's ability to connect to the proper
resource, causing increased usage.
Answer: A,C
Avaya exam prep 132-S-900 pdf 132-S-900 132-S-900
NO.4 .A customer is looking to add a remote location to the S8730. They will have six IP telephones that
will require PoE, two analog CO lines and require basic survivability. Which of the following would
you recommend?
A. G250 - analog / SLS
B. G250 - analog / LSP
C. G350 - analog / SLS
D. IG550 / SLS
Answer: A
Avaya demo 132-S-900 132-S-900 demo 132-S-900 132-S-900 132-S-900 questions
NO.5 .Within an S8500 Server, 25 IP Telephony endpoints are connected to 10 digital sets, 10 IP sets,
and 5 CO trunks. How many TN2602 Media Processor boards are required if G.729 is
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer: A
Avaya 132-S-900 test questions 132-S-900 test answers 132-S-900 132-S-900 132-S-900 exam dumps
NO.6 .A customer has an Avaya S87xx Media Server with an Avaya G650 Media Gateway. They want
the remote site tied-in to the main. The remote site has a DSL line for Internet Access. They
currently have a secure VPN tunnel to the main site and want to implement VoIP over this tunnel.
What is your biggest concern as a designer?
A. NAT issues
B. Implementation issues
C. Security cannot be guaranteed
D. Voice quality cannot be guaranteed
Answer: D
Avaya demo 132-S-900 132-S-900 original questions 132-S-900 exam prep
NO.7 .Your customer solution requirements call for a mix of SIP and H.323 endpoints. Which entity in the
SIP Infrastructure can perform routing of sessions invitations, authentications and accounting
A. SIP Proxy
B. SIP redirect
C. SIP registrar
D. SIP media gateway controller
Answer: A
Avaya 132-S-900 exam 132-S-900 questions 132-S-900 practice test 132-S-900
NO.8 .You have a corporate site with an S87xx Media Server in location A, and a remote site with an
G700/S8300 LSP processor in Location B. The WAN connection goes down. In what sequence
will the G700 register with the S8300?
A. Each H.248 gateway will reboot and register with the S8300 LSP when it comes back up.
B. The S8300 LSP processor reboots, and then notifies each H.248 gateway it is now the primary
call processor.
C. The S8300 LSP processor notifies each H.248 gateway in the media controller list that it is now
the primary call processor.
D. Each H.248 gateway will detect that the S87xx Media Server is not available and will reregister
with the next Media Server in the media controller list.
Answer: D
Avaya certification 132-S-900 132-S-900 132-S-900 132-S-900 test answers
NO.9 In a distributed S87xx Media Server system with G650 Media Gateways in 3 port networks, what
is the distance concern with the TDM cable length?
A. Due to the length of the TDM cable, the slack must be coiled and secured to the back of the
B. The TDM cable can be ordered to custom fit the system. The designer must know the PN to
G650 layout.
C. If the incorrect cable length attribute is chosen, it will not allow the associated G650s to connect
to the PN.
D. Due to its limited length, each G650 of a PN must be co-located in the same 19 inch data rack
as the rest of the PN.
Answer: D
Avaya dumps 132-S-900 132-S-900
NO.10 .Which two design issues relate to increasing security in VoIP converged solutions? (Choose two.)
A. Suggesting upgrading LAN switches to supportQoS
B. Defining VLANs to limit access from specific IP endpoints
C. Considering encryption on IP calls for protection from eavesdropping
D. Considering G.729 compression to protect IP calls from eavesdropping
Answer: B,C
Avaya pdf 132-S-900 exam 132-S-900 practice test 132-S-900 exam simulations
NO.11 .Your client is considering a VoIP application for their S8500 Media Server and G650 Media
Gateway. Due to the time-sensitive nature of VoIP applications, several issues should be
discussed prior to arriving at a final design. Which two VoIP guidelines should you discuss with the
customer? (Choose two.)
A. VoIP should be implemented on an entirely switched network.
B. VoIP will cause some discourse due to lower voice quality than TDM calls.
C. VoIP endpoints should be placed on separate subnets or VLANs based on communities of
D. When PCs are attached to IP phones, the uplink to the Ethernet switch should be at least 20
Answer: A,C
Avaya 132-S-900 certification 132-S-900 original questions 132-S-900 132-S-900 test 132-S-900 exam
NO.12 .The customer has a multi node LAN with connectivity to a 16 location multi-vendor (Juniper, Cisco,
3Com and Avaya) WAN. When implementing VoIP on this network, which two routing protocols
should be implemented? (Choose two.)
C. ID 10t
Answer: A,D
Avaya 132-S-900 132-S-900 132-S-900 132-S-900 pdf
NO.13 .The S87xx platform is available as a net new system in which configuration?
A. Voice Bearer over ATM
B. Stand Alone (S87xx only)
C. Traditional G3R without IP
D. Voice Bearer over IP (IP Connect)
Answer: D
Avaya 132-S-900 132-S-900
NO.14 .Which three are QoS/CoS recommendations that the Avaya Solution Designer can make to
optimize an all Avaya Converged IP Solution? (Choose three.)
A. Switched networks should use IEEE 802.1p/Q.
B. Routed networks should useDiffServ Code Points.
C. Port priority can also be used to enhance 802.1p/Q andDiffServ.
D. Mixed networks should choose only one (802.1p/Q or DSCP) as a best practice.
Answer: A,B,C
Avaya 132-S-900 study guide 132-S-900 practice test 132-S-900 original questions 132-S-900
NO.15 .A client is implementing an S87xx Media Server with several G650 Media Gateways. They are
concerned with overheating in the equipment room, especially in the equipment power units.
Which two conditions cause a G650 power supply to initiate an emergency shutdown? (Choose
A. Overvoltage
B. Overheating
C. Undervoltage
D. High humidity
Answer: A,B
Avaya questions 132-S-900 test questions 132-S-900 original questions 132-S-900 certification
NO.16 .You are preparing to design an IP Telephony-based S87xx. You are assisting the client in
determining the type of QoS/CoS they should incorporate on their data network. What do you
recommend? (Choose two.)
A. Routed networks should use IEEE 802.1p/Q.
B. Switched networks should use IEEE 802.1p/Q.
C. Mixed networks should use either DSCP or IEEE 802.1p/Q.
D. Routed networks should useDiffServ Code Points (DSCP).
Answer: B,D
Avaya 132-S-900 132-S-900 132-S-900 132-S-900 study guide 132-S-900 test answers
NO.17 .Your client's department store business has 24 locations worldwide. Each location has its own
communications switch and is included in a QSIG network. The stores have standardized on
specific extension numbers representing departments. The client is considering moving to a
single, distributed S8700 system but is concerned with the loss of dial plan functionalities. How do
you address the client's concern?
A. Provide Uniform Dial Plan software
B. Utilize ACM Multi-location Dial Plan software
C. Create unique extensions per location for each application
D. Relate that standard S87xx dial plan software will address the issues
Answer: B
Avaya certification training 132-S-900 132-S-900
NO.18 .Which three should be investigated when validating a wireless network design? (Choose three.)
A. Installed ductwork and walls
B. Locations of network servers
C. Other wireless networks in the area
D. Operating system of user machines
E. Environmental, moisture, temperature variations
Answer: A,C,E
Avaya original questions 132-S-900 demo 132-S-900 answers real questions
NO.19 .If a customer has multiple systems from different vendors and wants to network them together,
which software should be used?
Answer: D
Avaya braindump 132-S-900 exam simulations 132-S-900 answers real questions 132-S-900 test questions
NO.20 .A sales engineer completes an S87xx Media Server/G650 Media Gateway design which includes
IP Telephony, multi-locations, and LAN/WAN integration. One of the deliverables for handoff to the
implementation team is the network region design. What four IP endpoint characteristics may be
included in the network region design document? (Choose four.)
A. Codec set
B. UDP port ranges
C. 802.1p/Q settings
D. VLAN assignments
E. Identification of locations
Answer: A,B,C,E
Avaya 132-S-900 certification 132-S-900 exam prep 132-S-900 questions 132-S-900 exam simulations 132-S-900
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