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Exam Code: 000-M12
Exam Name: IBM (IBM Workplace Content Management)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 49 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-09-08

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NO.1 QualityStage delivers higher match rates than other products in the industry for de-duplication and
matching. What is the unique capability of QualityStage that helps QualityStage deliver these higher
match rates?
A. Statistical Pattern Counting
B. Bit level character comparisons
C. Probabalistic Record Linkage
D. Phrase parsing
Answer: C

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NO.2 What function does Business Glossary NOT help enterprises achieve?
A. Agree on common business terminology
B. Assign data stewards to manage business terms
C. Create a repository for ALL their corporatemeta data
D. Classify technical objects using accepted terms and definitions
Answer: C

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NO.3 How does Information Analyzer share meta data and results with the rest of Information Server?
A. Emails are automatically sent to all Information Server users
B. An html page is generated with analysis results
C. Analysis results and notes from data profiling research are saved in themeta data layer of Information
Server and are available for viewing in DataStage and other Information Server tools
D. Automatic RSS publication of analysis results
Answer: C

IBM   000-M12   000-M12 answers real questions

NO.4 Which is NOT a benefit of Information Analyzer?
A. Gain insight into your data source
B. Reduce hardware requirements
C. Improve personnel productivity
D. Reduce the time to profile data by 70%
Answer: B

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NO.5 Which of the following cannot be published by WebSphere Information Services Director (WISD)
as a Service?
A. DataStage Jobs
B. Teradata Stored Procedures
C. Federation Queries
D. QualityStage Jobs
Answer: B

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NO.6 Does DataStage have the ability to run a process across multiple machines in a GRID?
A. No.DataStage can only be run on single SMP machines with multiple CPUs
B. Yes.DataStage can run across a grid of homogeneous environments
C. Yes.DataStage can run across a grid that includes Windows, Unix and mainframe processors
D. No.DataStage only runs on one CPU
Answer: B

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NO.7 Are DataStage and QualityStage integrated at the interface, metadata, and engine levels?
A. No. They are only integrated at runtime.
B. Yes. They are integrated for developers at design time, at the engine for runtime, and at themeta data
level for impact analysis and data lineage.
C. No. They still have separate developer interfaces.
D. No. They can invoke each other at run time at the engine level, but have a separatemeta data model.
Answer: B

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NO.8 There are many ways to exploit the concept of re-use with DataStage/QualityStage. Which feature
below describes a graphical unit of re-use that can be included in any Job?
A. Graphical Job Sequencer
B. Performance monitor
C. Stage palette
D. Shared Containers
Answer: D

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NO.9 Can DataStage and Information Server access mainframe (zOS) data sources such as IMS, VSAM,
Model 204 and ADABAS (among others)?
A. No.DataStage can only access local flat files.
B. Yes.DataStage can access any remote source using all the Connectivity capabilities of
Federation Server and Classic Federation, or via connections to partner offerings.
C. No.DataStage can only read data files via ODBC.
D. No.DataStage can only read data files via JDBC.
Answer: B

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NO.10 What is the goal of the various application Packs that exist for Information Server?
A. Better pricing and installation options
B. To accelerate team development
C. To enhance of source code management
D. To support loading/unloading and data integration with popular packaged applications such as
Oracle Financials, SAP, and JD Edwards
Answer: D

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