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Exam Code: 000-446
Exam Name: IBM (IBM Content Manager OnDemand for i5/OS)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 116 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-09-08

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NO.1 An OnDemand administrator has received an error message indicating that journaling needs to be
restarted for the OnDemand database files.Which command would be used to accomplish this task?
A.Select the restart journaling option from the OnDemand Administrative client.
B.Use the RSTONDJRN command.
C.Use the RSTJRNOND command.
D.Run program QRLCSTRJ with parameter PARM(RLC) from the command line.
Answer: D

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NO.2 Which function does the OnDemand server run to allow users to connect to an OnDemand system
through the Client for Windows?
A.the arscnct job
B.the client/server job
C.the arssockd job
D.the DB2 Connect job
Answer: C

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NO.3 Which two can be used to view data that is output from the AFP2HTML transform? (Choose two.)
A.the AFP2HTML applet
B.the native Web browser
C.the AFP Plug-in
D.the Line Data applet
E.the Adobe Acrobat Reader
Answer: A,B

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NO.4 A company plans to store a 6500-page document in OnDemand.Which action should be used to view
a few pages in this document at a time?
A.Create a table index.
B.Enable large object support.
C.Use fewer triggers when indexing.
D.Add an application ID to the application group.
Answer: B

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NO.5 Before using the Report Wizard to define a PDF report, what must be installed on the PC running the
OnDemand Administrative Client?
A.The PDF Indexer
B.Adobe Acrobat
C.Adobe Acrobat Reader
D.The OnDemand PDF Wizard
Answer: B

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NO.6 A company would like the ability to notify the security administrator whenever there is a failed log in
attempt by a user.Which series of steps must the company complete to accomplish this goal?
A.Check the Failed Login checkbox in both the System Logging and User Exit Logging sections on the
System Parameters window.
B.Check the Failed Login checkbox in the User Exit Logging section on the System Parameters window.
C.Write a user exit program to send a message to the system administrator and check the Failed Login
checkbox in both the System Logging and User Exit Logging sections on the System Parameters window.
D.Write a user exit program to send a message to the system administrator and check the Failed Login
checkbox in the User Exit Logging section on the System Parameters window.
Answer: D

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NO.7 An Advanced Function Printing Data stream (AFPDS) report is displayed using the OnDemand
Client.An error message is displayed indicating that the requested font is not found.Which action should
be performed to keep those error message from being displayed in the future?
A.Update the code pages in the ICU Font Library.
B.Repackage the OnDemand Client installation with AFP font support.
C.Update the *.cp files in the FONT\MAPS directory.
D.Update the ICU Data Library with custom conversion tables.
Answer: D

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NO.8 What does a validation string used by OnDemand validate?
A.the load information for the current page
B.the field information for the current page
C.that the current page can be indexed and stored
D.that the current page can be viewed with the logical view
Answer: D

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NO.9 A customer is looking for a way to do a broad search across the entire enterprise for content stored on
their websites, file systems, and DB2 Content Manager.Which product provides this capability?
B.DB2 CommonStore
C.DB2 Content Manager
D.WebSphere Information Integrator Content Edition
Answer: A

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NO.10 Which command(s) would be used to delete both the index data and documents stored during the load
Answer: C

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NO.11 An application group specifies to Migrate Data from cache as "When Data is Loaded".A report is
archived into OnDemand.In addition to the CACHE directory, a copy of the archived report is placed into
which directory?
Answer: B

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NO.12 An administrator wants to store a System Log message whenever a user deletes an annotation.The box
in the Application Group Message Logging for Annotation Delete is checked.A test is performed to
validate that messages are being stored as expected.The administrator deletes an annotation and then
queries the System Log for the proper message (Message number 70), but nothing is returned.Which
additional required step should be completed for the proper message to be logged?
A.Annotation delete message logging must be selected for the administrator's userid.
B.The System Log does not have an option to store a message for annotation deletions.
C.Administrator permissions allow annotations to be deleted and so no message is stored.
D.Application Group Messages must be checked in the System Logging section of the System
Answer: D

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NO.13 What must be enabled on the browser for the OnDemand Web Enablement Kit to function properly?
B.active scripting
C.script debugging
D.ActiveX controls
Answer: A

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NO.14 A report layout contains multiple account numbers (each containing 10 numeric characters) per page
but there are some inconsistencies when locating account numbers.Often, a description field will overlap
into the account number column.These numbers do not appear sequentially.What can be used to ensure
that the indexer will collect only the account number and not part of the description?
A.Define the field with a mask and offset values
B.Define the field based on a floating trigger
C.Define the field based on a floating trigger with mask values
D.Define the field based on a floating trigger with mask and offset values
Answer: C

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NO.15 What can be specified when defining a report using the Report Wizard?
A.Segment Date format
B.logical view
C.Postprocessor Parameters
D.Large Object support
Answer: D

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NO.16 An OnDemand system administrator runs the STRDSMOND command specifying a specific
application group and sets the RUNASM parameter to *YES.Which statement reflects how ASM will run?
A.ASM will run for all application groups.
B.ASM will run for only the application groups specified for DSM.
C.ASM will fail unless you have named a specific policy to process.
D.ASM will run in the same batch job immediately after STRDSMOND completes.
Answer: A

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NO.17 After installing the OnDemand Web Enablement Kit (ODWEK) software, what must be done before you
can begin configuring the ODWEK initialization file for your operating environment?
A.Configure the HTTP server.
B.Configure the OnDemand server.
C.Configure the client PC.
D.Configure the Web Application Server.
Answer: A

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NO.18 To load data into a TSM controlled data storage device, which attribute must match the OnDemand
storage node attributes defined within a Storage Set?
A.TSM node name and password
B.Copy Group name and password
C.Policy Set name and password
D.Policy Domain name and password
Answer: A

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NO.19 To create a default date-range search option for a report to specify the last six months, which task must
be completed?
A.Change the application group default date-range interval.
B.Change the Folder - Field Information default date-range interval.
C.Change the Application - Load Information default date-range interval.
D.Change both the folder and the application default date-range intervals.
Answer: B

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NO.20 A customer intends to store all of its archive data into DR550 or Centera storage devices.Which
statement is true?
A.An OnDemand storage set links directly to a DR550 or a Centera device.
B.TSM cannot be configured to interface with Centera devices.
C.TSM can be configured to interface with DR550 or a Centera devices.
D.OnDemand can write directly to Centera devices; therefore TSM is not required.
Answer: C

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