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Exam Code: 000-Z01
Exam Name: IBM (IBM System z System Programmer Mastery)
Free One year updates to match real exam scenarios, 100% pass and refund Warranty.
Total Q&A: 130 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-09-08
000-Z01 (IBM System z System Programmer Mastery) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 What is the facility that allows mainframes to be partitioned into LPARs?
C.Virtual Storage
D.Coupling Facility
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NO.2 Storage protect keys protect storage in conjunction with what other feature on the mainframe?
A.LPAR (Logical Partition)
B.ASM (Auxiliary Storage Manager)
C.APF (Authorized Program Facility)
D.PR/SM (Processor Resource / System Manager)
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NO.3 If a data set with text information is created using ISPF edit, the dataset is copied to magnetic
tape, and the magnetic tape is then copied to a PC (e.g. Windows), what will a user see who
displays the file on the PC?
A.Clear text, but with punctuation corrupted
B.The exact same text as seen in ISPF on the mainframe
C.An odd mixture of unintelligible and unprintable characters
D.The results of the encryption used in every mainframe data set
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NO.4 If a userid is ZTEST1, then what is entered in the Data Set List Utility (generally option 3.4) for
"Dsname Level" to list all data sets with the high level qualifier of the userid?
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NO.5 Which of the following is a major difference between hierarchical and relational DBMS?
A.Type of users with access
B.Navigational vs. non navigational
C.Concurrent vs. non concurrent multiple program access
D.Support for single vs. multiple application languages
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NO.6 What master catalog entry relates to the name of a user catalog?
D.Alternate index
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NO.7 Which of the following describes relative access speed for z9 major storage types?
A.Tape is faster than DASD
B.DASD is faster than cache
C.Real memory is faster than DASD
D.Optical storage is faster than cache
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NO.8 Which of the following are the types of EDIT commands?
A.Menu and Line
B.Line and Data
C.Primary and Line
D.Primary and Secondary
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NO.9 A list of stored TSO commands to perform a particular function is called which of the following?
B.Compiled code
C.Executable code
D.Stored procedure
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NO.10 Which of the following could be used to automatically establish communication between the
operating system and primary job entry subsystem during IPL?
C.Master JCL procedure
D.Communications Server
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NO.11 In UNIX, the thread is the smallest element that performs work. What is an equivalent in z/OS?
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NO.12 Which of the following z/OS data set organization is most like a UNIX directory?
B.Sequential data set
C.Partitioned data set
D.VSAM Indexed data set
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NO.13 A mainframe customer wants to add a web site for customer orders. They plan to tightly couple
the web site to their existing back office z/OS applications. Which of the following describes an
effective implementation?
A.Bring in another System z machine
B.Implement a firewall on the mainframe and use WebSphere to enable the web site on a Linux server.
C.Implement a firewall on a new, small Unix server and use WebSphere to enable the web site on the
D.Implement a firewall on a new Windows XP server and use WebSphere to enable the web site on a new
Windows XP server.
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NO.14 The syntax: //INPUT DD * is used for what purpose?
A.To specify that this DDNAME refers to a null dataset
B.To specify that this DDNAME refers to the same dataset as the prior DD statement
C.To specify that the data is contained in the JCL stream immediately after this DD statement
D.To specify that the DDNAME refers to the same dataset as the DD statement with DDNAME of INPUT
in the prior job step
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NO.15 What is this and how can it be executed?
A.It's a JCL procedure and cannot be executed.
B.It's a job and may be submitted with a SUBMIT command.
C.It's a JCL procedure and can be executed with a submit command.
D.It's a JCL procedure and must be invoked in a job with an EXEC statement.
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NO.16 What is the relationship of the Layered Network Models of TCP/IP, OSI, and SNA?
A.SNA is an internal construction in z/OS and does not allow for end points.
B.They are the same except that the OSI model inverts the layers top to bottom.
C.They have the same layers with the exact same functions in each layer, but the names are different.
D.The layers are conceptually similar but differ in name and details of what functions are in which layers.
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NO.17 PC keyboards do not have a "PA1" key, 3270 emulators map some keys to "PA1". What is the
"PA1" key used for in TSO and ISPF?
A.Terminate the program currently running.
B.Terminate ISPF to return to the TSO READY prompt.
C.Pause a program so that data will not continue to scroll.
D.Clear the screen to allow the next screen of data to display.
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NO.18 ISPF uses various function keys. Which of the following describes the mapping of these keys?
A.Different in every ISPF menu
B.Determined by operating system
C.Fixed by ISPF and cannot be changed
D.May be changed using the ISPF SETTINGS function
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NO.19 In the ISPF Edit panel, there are fields named PROJECT, GROUP, TYPE, and MEMBER. What
information do these fields specify?
C.PARM field
D.DD Statement
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NO.20 A company runs a billing application for all its divisions on a single corporate system. However,
the data is separate for each division. The data sets for each division use a different high level
qualifier. What must change to run the billing application for one division versus another division?
A.The JCL must be changed to use the correct dataset names.
B.The program must be recompiled to change the DDNAMEs used.
C.The JCL must be changed to include the correct high level qualifier in the DDNAME.
D.The program must be recompiled in order to change the dataset names in the source code.
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