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試験科目:IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.5 Infrastructure Implementation
問題と解答:全167問 C2010-501 参考書勉強
試験科目:IBM Cognos 8 Controller Technical Specialist
問題と解答:全47問 C2020-205 学習資料
試験科目:IBM Cognos 10 BI Administrator
問題と解答:全47問 C2020-622 復習問題集
NO.1 When enabling Application Server Security in IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.5,which
property value must be set?
A. mxe.encrypted=true
B. mxe.encrypted=false
C. mxe.useAppServerSecurity=1
D. mxe.useAppServerSecurity=0
Answer: C
IBM認定証 C2010-501特典 C2010-501ふりーく C2010-501教育 C2010-501
NO.2 What is the correct product install order for IBM Maximo Asset Management (Maximo)?
A. latest Maximo fix pack, any industry solution, latest fix pack interim fix
B. latest Maximo fix pack, any industry solution, interim fix for earlier fix pack
C. latest Maximo fix pack interim fix,any industry solution, latest Maximo fix pack
D. latest Maximo fix pack interim fix, latest Maximo fix pack, any industry solution
Answer: A
IBM特典 C2010-501割引 C2010-501通信 C2010-501合格点
NO.3 What should be the determining factor in recommending either IBM WebSphere Application
Server or Oracle WebLogic Server for the J2EE environment?
A. the JDK version and vendor selected for the application environment
B. the customer's existing J2EE environment and portfolio of J2EE applications
C. the amount of RAM required by a given J2EE platform for 64-bit applications
D. the selection of the application database platform and portfolio of database applications
Answer: B
IBM認定証 C2010-501認定 C2010-501通信 C2010-501 C2010-501
NO.4 The configuration of the IBM Maximo Asset Management v7.5 application server security
requires which two files to be configured? (Choose two.)
A. ibm\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\META-INF\application.xml
B. ibm\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\META-INF\deployment-application.xml
C. ibm\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\mboweb\webmodule\WEB-INF\web.xml
D. ibm\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\mboejb\ejbmodule\META-INF\ejb-jar.xml
E. ibm\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\WEB-INF\web.xml
Answer: C,E
IBM参考書 C2010-501教材 C2010-501問題集 C2010-501過去 C2010-501学習
NO.5 Users can create and save their own queries and can share queries with other users. What
should be done in order to reduce the likelihood of queries negatively impacting performance?
A. create efficient default queries
B. periodically truncate the default query table
C. add an Order By clause to inefficient queries
D. remove the text search index on columns called by the query
Answer: A
IBM練習 C2010-501ふりーく C2010-501種類 C2010-501入門 C2010-501学校
NO.6 Which system property is used to log SQL statement execution time?
A. mxe.db.SQLRunTirne
B. mxe.db.fetchResultTime
C. mxe.db.logSQLTimeLimit
D. rnxe.db.fetchResultLogLirnit
Answer: C
IBM初心者 C2010-501試験 C2010-501割引 C2010-501試験 C2010-501過去 C2010-501講座
NO.7 A user, administrator, is undertaking the installation of a new IBM Maximo Asset Management
V7.5 environment on a Windows 2008 Server. The default installation path will be C:\IBM\SMP .
The installation has stopped and the CTGInstallTraceOO.log indicates that the updateDB failed.
Where is the Updatedb.log located?
A. C:\IBM\SMP\logs
B. C:\IBM\SMP\solutions\logs
C. C:\IBM\SMP\maximo\tools\maximo\log
D. C:\IBM\SMP\maximo\applications\maximo\log
Answer: C
IBM関節 C2010-501 C2010-501 vue C2010-501 C2010-501体験
NO.8 Regarding the Run Configuration Step screen - which option requires running taskrunner.bat?
A. configure SMTP host
B. deploy application files manually later
C. defer the update of the Maximo database
D. copy files now, perform the configuration step later
Answer: D
IBM対策 C2010-501講座 C2010-501ガイド C2010-501勉強法 C2010-501