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試験科目:Adobe Connect Pro 7
問題と解答:全42問 9A0-331 最新な問題集
試験科目:Photoshop CS6 Recertification Exam
問題と解答:全46問 9A0-313 勉強の資料
NO.1 Which metadata field may be modified for an image in Bridge CS6?
A. Document Type
B. Date Created
C. Date Time Original
D. Metering Mode
Answer: D
Adobe 9A0-313認定証 9A0-313学習 9A0-313難易度 9A0-313講座 9A0-313一発合格
NO.2 You are trying to rotate a transformation, but want the rotation to pivot around the upper
right corner of the bounding box. What should you do?
A. Right click the corner point and select Perspective.
B. Shift click the corner point of the bounding box
C. Drag the center point to the corner of the bounding box
D. Alt click on the upper right corner of the bounding box
Answer: C
Adobe合格点 9A0-313 9A0-313特典 9A0-313書籍
NO.3 You have an image open in Quick Mask mode and want to create a mask around an area.
Which tool should you use?
A. Quick Selection
B. Magic Wand
C. Brush
D. Magnetic Lasso
Answer: C
Adobe通信 9A0-313内容 9A0-313短期
NO.4 Which is a benefit of collections?
A. Changes to one image only modify the image in the collection
B. You can have multiple copies of an image in different collections
C. You can organize your files in different ways than how it appears in your file system
D. You can have multiple versions of an image in different collections
Answer: C
Adobe 9A0-313難易度 9A0-313攻略 9A0-313関節 9A0-313ガイド 9A0-313
NO.5 You want to create a character style on a portion of a paragraph. What should you do?
A. Select the font type from the type tool
B. Select the text and apply the character style
C. Select the text layer and apply the character style
D. Select the font size from the type tool
Answer: B
Adobe問題 9A0-313試験 9A0-313試験 9A0-313教育 9A0-313教材
NO.6 Which should you use for modifying selections of hair against a similarly colored background?
A. Refine Edge
B. Quick Mask
C. Magic Wand
D. Magnetic Lasso
Answer: A
Adobe模擬 9A0-313通信 9A0-313日記
Reference: /wo
NO.7 You have created a series of solid color graphics in a 24-bit format and would like to save these
with transparent background on the web. Which is the best format for you to save them?
Answer: B
Adobe特典 9A0-313問題集 9A0-313難易度 9A0-313認証試験 9A0-313認定証
Reference: PNG)
NO.8 What is one benefit of using a raw image format in photography?
A. You can change the size of the image in Photoshop
B. You can change the White Balance of the image in Photoshop
C. You can change the color of the image later in Photoshop
D. You can change the resolution of the image later in Photoshop
Answer: B
Adobe 9A0-313特典 9A0-313問題集 9A0-313