試験科目:SAP Certified Associate - Utilities with SAP ERP 6.0 (C_FSUTIL_60)
問題と解答:全80問 C-FSUTIL-60 練習問題
試験科目:SAP Certified Application Associate - Logistics Execution and Warehouse Management with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP6
問題と解答:全206問 C_TSCM66_66 全真模擬試験
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NO.1 How the storage unit classified in the Warehouse Structures? (Choose two)
A. A warehouse number can contain both with and without Storage Unit Management
B. We can activate Storage Unit Management for interim storage areas
C. The storage unit is created in the system as soon as goods are putaway in a storage type with
active Storage Unit Management
D. If a mixed storage unit is putaway, this putaway is covered by a single transfer order item
Answer: A,C
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NO.2 Your organization ships goods through express delivery company. Now you or your buyer
need to monitor the status of that delivery, so which function is used to track the delivery?
A. Delivery monitoring
B. Outbound delivery monitoring
C. Inbound delivery monitoring
D. Package monitoring
Answer: D
SAP C_TSCM66_66試験 C_TSCM66_66スクール C_TSCM66_66書籍
NO.3 What makes a storage type an interim storage type?
A. It starts with the number "9"
B. It does not have a putaway or picking strategy
C. It is physically located near a warehouse door
D. It is assigned to a WM movement type
Answer: D
SAP講座 C_TSCM66_66 C_TSCM66_66 vue C_TSCM66_66通信
NO.4 What are the steps involved in the picking process Using Warehouse Management? (Choose
A. Printing of transfer orders
B. Printing of transfer requirements
C. Post goods issue
D. Confirmation of quantities
E. Creation of transfer requirements for outbound delivery
F. Creation of transfer order for outbound delivery
Answer: A,C,D,F
SAP C_TSCM66_66赤本 C_TSCM66_66認定資格
NO.5 What are the variants of inventory procedure available in Warehouse Management? (Choose
A. Inventory on first putaway
B. Quarterly inventory
C. Annual inventory
D. Continuous inventory
Answer: A,C,D
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NO.6 What are the functions of the inbound delivery monitor? (Choose three)
A. It displays all the deliveries that are still to be processed
B. It can also display the deliveries that has already been processed
C. We can perform the subsequent functions from the list displayed in the inbound delivery monitor
D. Only a and b
Answer: A,B,C
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NO.7 Which of the following components has a direct influence on the logistics processes? (Choose
A. Material Management
B. Plant Maintenance
C. Quality Management
D. Production
E. Logistics Execution
F. Sales and Distribution
Answer: A,D,E,F
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NO.8 A vendor is shipping materials on a new pallet size that has been created as a new storage unit
type in WM. Your warehouse has the storage unit type check activated in all storage types.
Which additional settings do you need to enable you to use the new storage unit type? (Choose
A. Assign bin types to the new storage unit type
B. Assign the new storage unit type to all storage types where materials on the new pallet size will
be stored
C. Activate storage unit management at warehouse level
D. Activate storage unit management in the storage type
E. Update the material master with the storage unit type and loading equipment quantities
Answer: A,B,E
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